I'm trying to use this to create a image form upload for my website, the reason I'm using this is because it's more secure than doing everything myself (but if someone could point another working script I would be appreciated)
Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\lib\ImageUploader.php on line 4
Looking at the source code:
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\project\lib\ImageUploader.php</b> on line <b>4</b><br />
I've tried with includes, requires and it still doesn't work.
Sometimes this issue come because of space in PHP start tag of controller facing same issue just removed whitespace in:
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
removing the space resolved my error
This thread seems to be talking about the same issue - it sounds like this error is usually caused by having some data sent out of the server before the namespace statement is encountered.
- Could your web hosting be inserting some code into your page before the PHP code?
- Is there a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark at the beginning of the document?
On the other hand, it could also be a bug in ImageUploader... the main PHP file puts the namespace after the class definition, which I haven't seen in the PHP documentation, which says it should be the very first PHP code. From this page:
Namespaces are declared using the namespace keyword. A file containing a namespace must declare the namespace at the top of the file before any other code - with one exception: the declare keyword.
There's no declare keyword here, so perhaps this is a bug in the source code that slips by the developer's version of PHP, because he doesn't put the namespace first:
class BulletProofException extends Exception{}
namespace BulletProof;
* BulletProof ImageUploder:
I have also faced the problem. In the php file, I have written following code where there was some space before php start tag
namespace App\Controller;
when I remove that space, it solved.
If your using an IDE, you must start your code at the very first line. example Im using aptana studio3
//line2 your code
//line3 your code
Hope it helps.That solves my problem,.
You must change the file encoding to ANSI. I was using Notepad++ with encoding UTF-8 and had the same problem. The problem disappeared after I change the file encoding to ANSI!
File | Remove BOM in PhpStorm fixed this problem in both cases that I encountered it.
Make sure there is no whitespace before your php tag
// whitespace
namespace HelloWorld
Remove the white space before your php tag starts
namespace HelloWorld
The library isn't working at all, setSizeLimit
is broken, setImageSize
is ignored as-well, just don't use this.
$result = $newUpload
->setFileTypes(array("jpg", "gif", "png", "jpeg"))
->setSizeLimit(array("min"=>100, "max"=>100000))
->setImageSize(array("height"=>200, "width"=>200))
Gives this:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\lib\ImageUploader.php on line 229
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\lib\ImageUploader.php on line 229
EDIT: The size seems to be in Bytes, even though the error says Kilobytes.
There is a mistake in its source. Check out its source if you may. It reads like this
class BulletProofException extends Exception{}
namespace BulletProof;
That is insane. Personally, I'd say the code is well documented, and elegant, but the author missed a simple point; he declared the namespace within the class. Namespace whenever used should be the first statement.
Too bad I am not in Github; could have pulled a request otherwise :(
Edit ImageUploader.php - either remove line (cause BulletProofException not used anywhere)
class BulletProofException extends Exception{}
or move it under line
namespace BulletProof;
If you look this file Namespace is not the first statement.
class BulletProofException extends Exception{}
namespace BulletProof;
You can try to move the namespace over the class definition.
If you want to use this lib then in ImageUploader.php you should move BulletProofException
definition after namespace declaration.
Submit pull-request for this issue to lib repo :)
EDIT: Make some changes in head of file:
namespace {
class BulletProofException extends Exception{}
namespace BulletProof {
class ImageUploader
{ ... }
Namespace declarat 123456789101112
namespace app\controllers;
use yii\web\Controller;
use app\models\users;
class UserController extends Controller {
public function actionIndex() {
echo "working on .....";
I fix it this way when I started doesn't matter utf8 just this way open <?php
in the first line in the editor in my case sublime text and the namespace writte in the second line
2 <?php
namespace mynamespace; //you should writte youe namespace down where you open php here should be in line 3 here I make the error cuz I started open from line 2 <?php
1 <?php
namespace mynamespace; // I started from line 1 <?php
It is all about the namespace
declaration. According to http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.definition.php all namespace
declaration must be put on the very top of the file after the <?php
opening php tag. This means that before writing any code on the file, if that file needs to be contained in a namespace
then you must first declare the namespace
before writing any code. Like this:
namespace App\Suport\Facades;
class AuthUser {
// methods and more codes
BUT the declare
keyword can be put before the namespace
declaration so this is still valid:
declare(maxTries = 3);
namespace App\Suport\Facades;
class AuthUser {
// methods and more codes
all other stuff must be put AFTER the namespace
keyword. For more info, read the http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.definition.php.
I just discovered an easy way to raise this exception; let your text editor default to saving as UTF-8. Unless you can force it to omit the Byte Order Mark, which may not be easy or even possible, depending on your editor, you'll have a "character" in front of the opening <, which will be hidden from view.
Fortunately, when that possibility crossed my mind, I switched my editor (UltraEdit) into hexadecimal mode, which hides nothing, not even Byte Order Marks. Having written code that processes Byte Order Marks for many years, I recognized it instantly.
Save file as ANSI/ASCII, and accept the default 1252 ANSI Latin-1 code page, problem solved!
i also got the same problem by copying the controller code from another controller, then i solve the problem by removing the space before php tag
In my case, the file was created with UTF-8-BOM encoding. I have to save it into UTF-8 encoding, then everything works fine.
Sometimes the space after <?php
visible if you are using the same editor, in my case I was using TextWrapper. Due to the file type configuration in the TextWrapper (in your case some other editor), you might not see the space. Use a different editor in your machine and you'll see it. Then remove them -- works perfectly afterward.
UTF-8 Byte Order Mark at the beginning of the document^THIS for me solved the issue. I opened the inolved file with an HEX editor and removed the BOM at the start of the file.
I had the same error message after running out of drive space. When I realized somehow the php file was corrupted, I copied the content and created a new file (I´m using Sublime Text for editing), and it solved my problem