How to convert Blender blend (or obj) file to Qualcom Vuforia .h file

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-28 19:58:26

I developed a script called mtl2opengl that does exactly what you need, based on the project obj2opengl. The script works with .obj and .mtl files, which I think can be exported straight from Blender, and produces .h files with vertex data. I use it extensively in my iOS augmented reality applications (though I haven't used the Vuforia SDK yet) and the accompanying resources include a sample Xcode project too. Hope it helps!

You should check out BlenderVuforiaExport (developed by a coworker of mine) here:

It exports objects from Blender to the same .h-format used in the Vuforia example project.


I don't know much about vufoia, but here are two answers about using blender to get 3d models and displaying them on iPhone. These may help you.

How to get proper number of vertices in OBJ file from DCC tools such as Blender for use in OpenGL ES?

Put a Cinema 4D model and Texture into an iPhone App
