set-up X11 Forwarding over ssh

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-28 19:35:23

on the server

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

AllowAgentForwarding yes
AllowTcpForwarding yes
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost no

Restart the sshd daemon:

sudo service sshd restart
# or
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
# or whatever way of restarting your box services works on your distro...

yum -y update xauth
apt-get -y update xauth
yum -y install xauth
apt-get -y install xauth

Now exit from the server:


set local the DISPLAY env var:

export DISPLAY=:0.0

and invoke a trusted SSH connection with the server:

ssh -Y $ssh_user@$ssh_server

Verify success with a graphical app. Install an app supporting X11 forwarding, if needed. As an example:

  yum -y install xclock

and Action !!!

  for i in {1..3} ; do bash -c "xclock &" ; done ;

Whenever I had this problem it was almost always about following two options, I think you should set them as below before making any further changes on your configuration like setting DISPLAY, etc.

X11Forwarding yes
X11UseLocalhost no

ssh should set the DISPLAY automatically. usual suspects: missing "X11Forwarding yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

To debug you can run verbose mode on the client and server and you may notice something : try on the "server" side (debug mode, no daemon)

$ /usr/sbin/sshd -d -p 222

on the "client":

$ ssh -v -Y phil@ -p 222

Once in a while I meet an odd thing, like 'missing xauth' ...
