java TrayIcon using image with transparent background

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-11-28 18:20:05

Chances are this problem cannot be resolved. It depends on wether Java is doing a good job in creating the tray subwindow in Linux or not. If Jave does it wrong, transparency is already lost when the image is drawn.

  1. What is the real background value of the icon you are using? Is it the gray tone shown above? Set it to purple to see if the transparency of the image is used (Java defaults to gray background) or not.

  2. Make sure you tried both transparency options of PNG: transparent color index as well as alpha channel. Alpha channel is very common in Linux, not so in the Windows world.

  3. The resolution of your icon is too small. Do it in 64x64 or better 128x128. AFAIK there is no standard resolution for tray icons, and even if so, it is certainly not 16x16.

  4. Another format you could try is SVG. Only try that after making sure that the transparency of the image is the problem (see 1).

See here for background information on this issue: (scroll down to 2 February 2006)


The problem lies in the sun.awt.X11.XTrayIconPeer.IconCanvas.paint() method!

Before painting, the icon background is amateurishly cleared by simply drawing a rectangle of IconCanvas’ background color, to allow image animations.

public void paint(Graphics g) {
    if (g != null && curW > 0 && curH > 0) {
        BufferedImage bufImage = new BufferedImage(curW, curH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        Graphics2D gr = bufImage.createGraphics();
        if (gr != null) {
            try {
                gr.fillRect(0, 0, curW, curH);
                gr.drawImage(image, 0, 0, curW, curH, observer);

                g.drawImage(bufImage, 0, 0, curW, curH, null);
            } finally {


For those looking for a "real" solution, I developed a small library that is capable of displaying the tray icon honoring the transparency and also accepts SVG icons (for all platforms):

It is an open source library and the source code can be found here:

The library work arounds the problem by providing a JNI alternative (with GTK) when running under linux.

JDIC has a tray icon, they might support transparency in linux...

Have you tried converting it to a .PNG (with transparency) instead? I've found they tend to be better supported by Java (In my experience)

its not that . . . this is happing because it is using the default GNOME theme for rendering the transparency - it has nothing to do with the image it self - this is an adobe air / gnome conflict - if you switch to a gnome theme were the default background is grey then it would be grey instead of white. It uses the system default image so even if it was set but the theme for the panel to have a BG image to make it look glossy like vista for example than it would do that. Adobe Air / Java doesn't know that you over road the theme default with transparency and therefor it is using the system default
