Revert changes to a file in a commit

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-11-28 15:22:19

The cleanest way I've seen of doing this is described here

git show some_commit_sha1 -- some_file.c | git apply -R

Similar to VonC's response but using git show and git apply.

Assuming it is ok to change the commit history, here's a workflow to revert changes in a single file in an earlier commit:

For example, you want to revert changes in 1 file (badfile.txt) in commit aaa222:

aaa333 Good commit
aaa222 Problem commit containing badfile.txt
aaa111 Base commit

Rebase on the base commit, amend the problem commit, & continue.

1) Start interactive rebase:

git rebase -i aaa111

2) Mark the problem commit for edit in the editor by changing pick to e (for edit):

e aaa222
pick aaa333

3) Revert changes to the bad file:

git show -- badfile.txt | git apply -R

4) Add the changes & amend the commit:

git add badfile.txt
git commit --amend

5) Finish the rebase:

git rebase --continue

git revert is for all file contents within a commits.

For a single file, you can script it:


function output_help {
    echo "usage: git-revert-single-file <sha1> <file>"


if [[ $sha1 ]]; then
git diff $sha1..$sha1^ -- $file | patch -p1

(From the git-shell-scripts utilities from smtlaissezfaire)


another way is described here if you have yet to commit your current modification.

git checkout -- filename

git checkout has some options for a file, modifying the file from HEAD, overwriting your change.

Dropped.on.Caprica mentions in the comments:

You can add an alias to git so you can do git revert-file <hash> <file-loc> and have that specific file be reverted.
See this gist.

  revert-file = !sh /home/some-user/

I would simply use the --no-commit option to git-revert and then remove the files you don't want reverted from the index before finally committing it. Here's an example showing how to easily revert just the changes to foo.c in the second most recent commit:

$ git revert --no-commit HEAD~1
$ git reset HEAD
$ git add foo.c
$ git commit -m "Reverting recent change to foo.c"
$ git reset --hard HEAD

The first git-reset "unstages" all files, so that we can then add back just the one file we want reverted. The final git-reset --hard gets rid of the remaining file reverts that we don't want to keep.

Bharath T S
git reset HEAD^ path/to/file/to/revert/in/commit

The above command will take file out of commit, but it will reflect in git status.

git checkout path/to/file/to/revert/in/commit

The above command will revert the changes (as a result you get file same as HEAD).

git commit

(Pass --amend to amend commit.)

git push

With this, the file which is already in the commit is removed and reverted.

The above steps should be followed from the the branch where the commit is made.

Much simpler:

git reset HEAD^ path/to/file/to/revert


git commit --amend   

and then

git push -f

the file is gone and commit hash, message, etc is the same.

Imran Sahil

You can follow this procedure:

  1. git revert -n <*commit*> (-n revert all the changes but won't commit them)
  2. git add <*filename*> (name of the file/s you want to revert & commit)
  3. git commit -m 'reverted message' (add a message for reverting)
  4. after committing discard the other files changes so the files stay updated with the changes you committed before the revert