Userscript to Loop over several HTTP Requests and combine the results?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-28 14:15:15

AJAX, is asynchronous by the very definition. This means that the returned data will come back in just about any order, and the data will not be available outside the callback function(s) unless you explicitly copy it out.

So, for multi-page mashups, you must have some way to collate the data as necessary. (In your case you can collate on team name.)

A general approach is to:

  1. Create an Associative Array to hold the data.
  2. Pass a context in each AJAX call.
  3. Use that context to control how the AJAX callback function parses the data and collates it into the overall array.
  4. Monitor the status of the AJAX calls and only do final processing when they are all complete.

Here's what it looks like in a userscript:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        _Mash up tables from several *static*, third-party, web pages.
// @match       *://*
// @require
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
const playerPositions   = ["QB", "WR", "RB", "TE", "K", "DEF"];
const numPositions      = playerPositions.length;
const baseURL           = "";
var rankingsTable       = {};  //-- This will be filled by the AJAX parser.
var numPagesFetched     = 0;

for (var J in playerPositions) {
    GM_xmlhttpRequest ( {
        method:     "GET",
        url:        baseURL + playerPositions[J],
        context:    playerPositions[J],
        onload:     parseResponse,
        onerror:    function (e) { console.error ('**** error ', e); },
        onabort:    function (e) { console.error ('**** abort ', e); },
        ontimeout:  function (e) { console.error ('**** timeout ', e); }
    } );
function parseResponse (response) {
    var playerPosition  = response.context;
    var parser          = new DOMParser ();
    var ajaxDoc         = parser.parseFromString (response.responseText, "text/html");
    var statRows        = ajaxDoc.querySelectorAll ("#statTable0 > tbody > tr");
    var newStatTable    = $(statRows).map ( function () {
        var tblRow          = $(this);
        var teamRank        = parseInt (tblRow.find (".rank-indicator").text().trim(), 10);
        var teamName        = tblRow.find ("td:eq(1)").text().trim().split(" vs")[0];

        return [ [teamName, teamRank] ];
    } ).get ();

    console.log ('Fetched page ' + numPagesFetched + ' of ' + numPositions + '.');

    /*--- Now loop over the fetched rows and collate them into the master table, depending
          on playerPosition.
    var columnIdx       = playerPositions.indexOf (playerPosition);

    for (var K in newStatTable) {
        var teamName        = newStatTable[K][0];
        var teamRank        = newStatTable[K][1];
        var teamStats       = rankingsTable[teamName]  ||  new Array (numPositions);

        teamStats[columnIdx]    = teamRank;
        rankingsTable[teamName] = teamStats;

    if (numPagesFetched === numPositions) {
        displayFinalResult ();

function displayFinalResult () {
    var sortedTeamNames = Object.keys (rankingsTable).sort ( function (zA, zB) {
        return zA.localeCompare (zB);
    } );

    const namePadStr    = new Array (25).join (' ');
    console.log (
        'Team                       Ranks QB, WR, RB, TE, K, DEF\n' +
        '------------------------   ------------------------------'
    for (var J in sortedTeamNames) {
        var teamName    = sortedTeamNames[J];
        if (rankingsTable.hasOwnProperty (teamName) ) {
            console.log (
                (teamName + namePadStr).slice (0, 24) + '  ', rankingsTable[teamName]

We're going to get a large cut of your FF winnings, right? ;)
