Android Instant App Play Store Errors

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-28 13:05:01

This is because the default URL you specified ( is not supported by the intent-filters in your Instant App (

You will either need to update the default URL so it points to a supported URL, or add a new intent-filter that supports the default URL.

You must specify the host of your domain in the manifest, you can not use

> <data android:scheme="http" android:host=""/>
> <data android:scheme="https" android:host=""/>

, also before the intent - filter in manifest, specify

 Android: name = "default-url"
 Android: value = "" />

I agree with @KitKat and AdamK. Based from this documentation. To allow Google Play and Android launcher to discover your app, you must provide at least one activity as the entry point for your app. In the manifest for your app, the entry point activity must have an <intent-filter> element that includes the CATEGORY_LAUNCHER and ACTION_MAIN intents.

Your app must also define a default URL for your app. Within the same Android manifest as your entry-point activity, you define the default URL for your app by adding a <meta-data> element with a value attribute that provides a valid HTTPS URL that the activity can handle. Further, this default url must also be part of the CATEGORY_LAUNCHER activity's intent filter in the installed app.
