Force Prolog to choose unique values of variables

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-11-28 12:12:13

Use alldif/1 defined like so:

alldif([E|Es]) :-
   maplist(dif(E), Es),

Which can be used even for the most general query:

?- alldif(Es).
Es = [] ;
Es = [_G1924] ;
Es = [_G2061, _G2064],
dif(_G2061, _G2064) ;
Es = [_G2163, _G2166, _G2169],
dif(_G2163, _G2169),
dif(_G2163, _G2166),
dif(_G2166, _G2169) ;
Es = [_G2309, _G2312, _G2315, _G2318],
dif(_G2309, _G2318),
dif(_G2309, _G2315),
dif(_G2309, _G2312),
dif(_G2315, _G2318),
dif(_G2312, _G2315),
dif(_G2312, _G2318) ...

The meaning of the goal maplist(dif(E),Es) is best understood by looking at the answers:

?- maplist(dif(E),Es).
Es = [] ;
Es = [_G1987],
dif(E, _G1987) ;
Es = [_G2040, _G2043],
dif(E, _G2043),
dif(E, _G2040) ;
Es = [_G2093, _G2096, _G2099],
dif(E, _G2099),
dif(E, _G2096),
dif(E, _G2093) ;
Es = [_G2146, _G2149, _G2152, _G2155],
dif(E, _G2155),
dif(E, _G2152),
dif(E, _G2149),
dif(E, _G2146) ...

That is, Es is a list of elements that are all different to E. The goal maplist(dif(E),[A,B,C]) combines the first element (in this case dif(E)) with each element of the list. Thus dif(E,A), dif(E,B), dif(E,C).

length(List, N): N is the length of the list
sort(List, SortedList): SortedList is a sorted version of List (duplicate elements are removed)

On the other hand, it may be faster to have a list of available words and remove one when it's used; not only you won't have to do the check at the end but you will avoid pointless instantiations (A1 = foo, A2 = foo will stop immediately instead of getting rejected at the end). In other words, branch pruning.

Will Ness

Either what @false told you in the comments; or I like to use domain selection:

selectM([A|As],S,Z):- select(A,S,S1),selectM(As,S1,Z).

word(astante,  [a,s,t,a,n,t,e]). 
word(astoria,  [a,s,t,o,r,i,a]). 
word(baratto,  [b,a,r,a,t,t,o]). 
word(cobalto,  [c,o,b,a,l,t,o]). 
word(pistola,  [p,i,s,t,o,l,a]). 
word(statale,  [s,t,a,t,a,l,e]).

crossword(Words) :- findall(W, word(_,W), WS),
   Words = [[ _,A,_,B,_,C,_], 
            [ _,D,_,E,_,F,_], 
            [ _,G,_,H,_,I,_],
            [ _,A,_,D,_,G,_],
            [ _,B,_,E,_,H,_],
            [ _,C,_,F,_,I,_]],
   selectM( Words, WS, _).