Does ES6 import/export need “.js” extension?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-28 12:07:55

No, modules don't care about extensions. It just needs to be a name that resolves to a source file.

In your case, http://localhost/bla/src/drawImage is not a file while http://localhost/bla/src/drawImage.js is, so that's where there error comes from. You can configure your server to ignore the extension, for example. Webpack does the same.

The extension is part of the filename. You have to put it in.

As a proof try this:

  • rename file to drawImage.test
  • edit index.js to contain './drawImage.test'

Reload and you'll see the extendion js or test is completely arbirary, as long as you specify it in the export.

Obviously, after the test revert to the correct/better js extension.
