desire2learn Valence: Course Getting orgUnitID from Offering Code

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-11-28 10:09:01


I'm doing some work with grades and the desire2learn Valence API. In the context I'm operating in, there is no way for us to get the orgUnitID directly. We are currently getting the Offering Code for each course but not the orgUnitID. Since the API requires the orgUnitID for any interactions with a course, is there any way to look up the orgUnitID using the offering Code for the course? Thanks, George


There is no call to search for a course by offering code, but, the offering code is set in the OrgUnitInfo structure. So I have seen people retrieve that structure as an indirection to get the actual ID. (For example when trying to retrieve grades)

If you have a user id for example you could get enrollments and go from there.

To answer further I would need a sense of how you wanted to walk the courses? Globally or for a specific user or something else?

