Why am I getting a vertical line on toolstrip?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-28 08:47:47


I have two Windows Forms toolstrips that contain some controls on a form. However, for some strange reason, they contain a vertical line on the right hand side. I cannot find any property to remove them and I cannot find any other information on how to get rid of them online.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.


It's the border of the toolstrip. Meant to give a clear separation between multiple adjacent tool strips. Changing its RenderMode property to System would be one way to get rid of it, albeit that this changes the look-and-feel. Or you can write your own renderer to get rid of it. A C# example:

    public Form1() {
        toolStrip1.Renderer = new MyRenderer();
    private class MyRenderer : ToolStripProfessionalRenderer {
        protected override void OnRenderToolStripBorder(ToolStripRenderEventArgs e) {
            // Do nothing

