How do I create a global UIManagedDocument instance per document-on-disk shared by my whole application using blocks?

允我心安 提交于 2019-11-28 07:41:26

You can execute the block with completionBlock(doc).

    [doc openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) 
         // Can I call the completionBlock from above in here?
         // How do I pass back the opened UIDocument

Let's assume that you have the following method implemented in the class that will be calling your openVacation method:

-(void)vacationOpened:(UIManagedDocument *)vacation
    NSLog(@"My Vacation: %@", vacation.description);

A sample line of code that would call your openVacation method would be:

[MyVacationsHelper openVacation:@"MyVacation1" usingBlock:^(UIManagedDocument *vacation){
    [self vacationOpened:vacation];

The (UIManagedDocument *vacation) after the caret means that when you execute the block using the parentheses notation -- as in completionBlock(doc) --, you need to list a (UIManagedDocument *) as a parameter. The value of that parameter will be referred to as vacation inside the specified block. What I did in my block code sample above was call a method in my current class (self) and pass the parameter along to that method so that I could use it as needed (I just did an NSLog here to make sure that it worked).


I found a pretty helpful article - "Core Data with a Single Shared UIManagedDocument"
