Tiny C Compiler's generated code emits extra (unnecessary?) NOPs and JMPs

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-28 07:31:47


Can someone explain why this code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  return 0;

when compiled with tcc using tcc code.c produces this asm:

00401000  |.  55               PUSH EBP
00401001  |.  89E5             MOV EBP,ESP
00401003  |.  81EC 00000000    SUB ESP,0
00401009  |.  90               NOP
0040100A  |.  B8 00000000      MOV EAX,0
0040100F  |.  E9 00000000      JMP fmt_vuln1.00401014
00401014  |.  C9               LEAVE
00401015  |.  C3               RETN

I guess that

00401009  |.  90   NOP

is maybe there for some memory alignment, but what about

0040100F  |.  E9 00000000     JMP fmt_vuln1.00401014
00401014  |.  C9              LEAVE

I mean why would compiler insert this near jump that jumps to the next instruction, LEAVE would execute anyway?

I'm on 64-bit Windows generating 32-bit executable using TCC 0.9.26.


Superfluous JMP before the Function Epilogue

The JMP at the bottom that goes to the next statement, this was fixed in a commit. Version 0.9.27 of TCC resolves this issue:

When 'return' is the last statement of the top-level block (very common and often recommended case) jump is not needed.

As for the reason it existed in the first place? The idea is that each function has a possible common exit point. If there is a block of code with a return in it at the bottom, the JMP goes to a common exit point where stack cleanup is done and the ret is executed. Originally the code generator also emitted the JMP instruction erroneously at the end of the function too if it appeared just before the final } (closing brace). The fix checks to see if there is a return statement followed by a closing brace at the top level of the function. If there is, the JMP is omitted

An example of code that has a return at a lower scope before a closing brace:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc == 3) {
      return argc;
  argc += 3;
  return argc;

The generated code looks like:

  401000:       55                      push   ebp
  401001:       89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
  401003:       81 ec 00 00 00 00       sub    esp,0x0
  401009:       90                      nop
  40100a:       8b 45 08                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
  40100d:       83 f8 03                cmp    eax,0x3
  401010:       0f 85 11 00 00 00       jne    0x401027
  401016:       8b 45 08                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
  401019:       89 c1                   mov    ecx,eax
  40101b:       40                      inc    eax
  40101c:       89 45 08                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],eax
  40101f:       8b 45 08                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]

  ; Jump to common function exit point. This is the `return argc` inside the if statement
  401022:       e9 11 00 00 00          jmp    0x401038

  401027:       8b 45 08                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
  40102a:       83 c0 03                add    eax,0x3
  40102d:       89 45 08                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],eax
  401030:       8b 45 08                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]

  ; Jump to common function exit point. This is the `return argc` at end of the function 
  401033:       e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    0x401038

  ; Common function exit point
  401038:       c9                      leave
  401039:       c3                      ret

In versions prior to 0.9.27 the return argc inside the if statement would jump to a common exit point (function epilogue). As well the return argc at the bottom of the function also jumps to the same common exit point of the function. The problem is that the common exit point for the function happens to be right after the top level return argcso the side effect is an extra JMP that happens to be to the next instruction.

NOP after Function Prologue

The NOP isn't for alignment. Because of the way Windows implements guard pages for the stack (Programs that are in Portable Executable format) TCC has two types of prologues. If the local stack space required < 4096 (smaller than a single page) then you see this kind of code generated:

401000:       55                      push   ebp
401001:       89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
401003:       81 ec 00 00 00 00       sub    esp,0x0

The sub esp,0 isn't optimized out. It is the amount of stack space needed for local variables (in this case 0). If you add some local variables you will see the 0x0 in the SUB instruction changes to coincide with the amount of stack space needed for local variables. This prologue requires 9 bytes. There is another prologue to handle the case where the stack space needed is >= 4096 bytes. If you add an array of 4096 bytes with something like:

char somearray[4096] 

and look at the resulting instruction you will see the function prologue change to a 10 byte prologue:

401000:       b8 00 10 00 00          mov    eax,0x1000
401005:       e8 d6 00 00 00          call   0x4010e0

TCC's code generator assumes that the function prologue is always 10 bytes when targeting WinPE. This is primarily because TCC is a single pass compiler. The compiler doesn't know how much stack space a function will use until after the function is processed. To get around not knowing this ahead of time, TCC pre-allocates 10 bytes for the prologue to fit the largest method. Anything shorter is padded to 10 bytes.

In the case where stack space needed < 4096 bytes the instructions used total 9 bytes. The NOP is used to pad the prologue to 10 bytes. For the case where >= 4096 bytes are needed, the number of bytes is passed in EAX and the function __chkstk is called to allocate the required stack space instead.


TCC is not an optimizing compiler, at least not really. Every single instruction it emitted for main is sub-optimal or not needed at all, except the ret. IDK why you thought the JMP was the only instruction that might not make sense for performance.

This is by design: TCC stands for Tiny C Compiler. The compiler itself is designed to be simple, so it intentionally doesn't include code to look for many kinds of optimizations. Notice the sub esp, 0: this useless instruction clearly come from filling in a function-prologue template, and TCC doesn't even look for the special case where the offset is 0 bytes. Other function need stack space for locals, or to align the stack before any child function calls, but this main() doesn't. TCC doesn't care, and blindly emits sub esp,0 to reserve 0 bytes. Note (from Michaels' answer) that it uses the imm32 encoding, so it doesn't even have an optimizing assembler that would use the imm8 encoding. Instead, it hard-codes the function-prologue template and only fills in that 32-bit field.

Most of the work in creating a good optimizing compiler that anyone will use in practice is the optimizer. Even parsing modern C++ is peanuts compared to reliably emitting efficient asm (which not even gcc / clang / icc can do all the time, even without considering autovectorization). Just generating working but inefficient asm is easy compared to optimizing; most of gcc's codebase is optimization, not parsing. See Basile's answer on Why are there so few C compilers?

The JMP (as you can see from @MichaelPetch's answer) has a similar explanation: TCC (until recently) didn't optimize the case where a function only has one return path, and doesn't need to JMP to a common epilogue.

There's even a NOP in the middle of the function. It's obviously a waste of code bytes and decode / issue front-end bandwidth and out-of-order window size. (Sometimes executing a NOP outside a loop or something is worth it to align the top of a loop which is branched to repeatedly, but a NOP in the middle of a basic block is basically never worth it, so that's not why TCC put it there. And if a NOP did help, you could probably do even better by reordering instructions or choosing larger instructions to do the same thing without a NOP. Even proper optimizing compilers like gcc/clang/icc don't try to predict this kind of subtle front-end effect.)

@MichaelPetch points out that TCC always wants its function prologue to be 10 bytes, because it's a single-pass compiler (and it doesn't know how much space it needs for locals until the end of the function, when it comes back and fills in the imm32). But Windows targets need stack probes when modifying ESP / RSP by more than a whole page (4096 bytes), and the alternate prologue for that case is 10 bytes, instead of 9 for the normal one without the NOP. So this is another tradeoff favouring compilation speed over good asm.

An optimizing compiler would xor-zero EAX (because that's smaller and at least as fast as mov eax,0), and leave out all the other instruction. xor-zeroing is one of the most well-known / common / basic x86 peephole optimizations, and has several advantages other than code-size on some modern x86 microarchitectures.

    xor eax,eax

Some optimizing compilers might still make a stack frame with EBP, but tearing it down with pop ebp would be strictly better than leave on all CPUs, for this special case where ESP = EBP so the mov esp,ebp part of leave isn't needed. pop ebp is still 1 byte, but it's also a single-uop instruction on modern CPUs, unlike leave which is at least 2 or 3. (http://agner.org/optimize/, and see also other performance optimization links in the x86 tag wiki.) This is what gcc does. It's a fairly common situation; if you push some other registers after making a stack frame, you have to point ESP at the right place before pop ebx or whatever.

The benchmarks TCC cares about are compilation speed, not quality (speed or size) of the resulting code. For example, the TCC web site has a benchmark in lines/sec and MB/sec (of C source) vs. gcc3.2 -O0, where it's ~9x faster on a P4.

However, TCC is not totally braindead: it will apparently do some inlining, and as Michael's answer points out, a recent patch does leave out the JMP (but still not the useless sub esp, 0).

