how to create wizard forms in ruby on rails

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-28 06:28:01

There are a couple of plugins that provide wizzard construction facilitation in rails.
Acts as Wizard and Wizardly seem the most popular.
The main idea is to:
* create a model in the first step
* then edit it on subsequent steps,
* applying partial validation on each step and
* having the model implement some sort of state machine.

You should watch this rails cast episode on multi step forms:

Be prepared to rewind and watch again. He's very quick!

Wicked looks promising for rails 3:

An alternative approach, for simpler multi step forms especially, is to simply show-hide parts of a single form depending on the step, this way you don't hit the database on every step but rather let the user build up his object until he's ready with a valid instance.

Such an approach strongly favors using a form class instead of working with the model directly ( and you need to tweak error message rendering a bit.

Pros: only one db hit, no hassle with persisting invalid instances (not null columns, before_save sanity checks for messed up attributes), no callback hell

Cons: more html sent to user, error message tweaks, requires a well built form class to be elegant and really useful
