How can I make my .NET application erase itself?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-28 05:53:05

There's a MoveFileEx API, which, when given a MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT flag, will delete specified file on next system startup.

There's a great CodeProject Article about this topic.

Edit: Basically it's a simple cmd-call which will delete the specified files after some seconds.

Process.Start("cmd.exe", "/C ping -n 1 -w 3000 > Nul & Del " + Application.ExecutablePath); 

You will never be able to guarantee that this will work, as long as you require a physical presence on the machine. For example:

  • What if the app fails to release a resource in a timely fashion while you're trying to delete it? An error occurs, and the app remains.
  • The behavior of one app starting another which then deletes the first app is very suspicious from an AV perspective. You are likely to trigger defenses on a user's machine which may kill the process that's trying to kill your original app.
  • If you do something like delete a file at reboot, what if the user moves your file in between or makes a copy? It's not in the original spot anymore, and the app remains.

If your application requires this level of security, consider hosting it on a machine you control (e.g., by providing a web service and letting a stub client access it that way).

On a somewhat related note, one is also tempted to speculate about the motives of someone who (1) requires a physical presence on someone's machine and (2) wants to delete the evidence that the app existed.

A correction to @Bobby answer, in case people will find it useful - executable path needs to be quoted. Additionally, below is setting cmd.exe window to be hidden (otherwise it flashes as a black console window) and converted to run without relying on System.Windows.Forms assembly (the Application class).

var exepath = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;              
var info = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/C ping -n 1 -w 3000 > Nul & Del \"" + exepath + "\"");
info.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

There is also FileOptions.DeleteOnClose, but that requires the file to be open for writing. You might be able to do it with a sequence like this (untested):

  • Program launches as Original.exe, and detects (from its own name) that it needs to trigger the self-destruct function.
  • Original.exe creates a new file Temp.exe with FileOptions.DeleteOnClose and copies its own content into it, but does not close it yet
  • Original.exe opens a second, read-only handle to Temp.exe and closes the first write handle. The read-only handle can co-exist with an execute handle, whilst keeping the file open to delay auto-deletion.
  • Original.exe launches Temp.exe. Temp.exe detects that it has been launched from the temp directory and bypasses the self-destruct sequence and continues normal operation.
  • Original.exe exits (taking its read-only handle to Temp.exe with it.)
  • Temp.exe continues running. When it exits, the file Temp.exe will no longer be in use so it will be deleted automatically.

Edit #2: Actually I don't think this is possible, because it relies on the kernel opening the file with the FILE_SHARE_DELETE flag, which is unlikely.

sorted by NJ c# the other codes does not work so its simple if u create bath file that loops to del application and the batch file itself u can use takkill command to kill the process if u dont want to use application.close method

        `string delname = "test.cmd";
        string fileurl = Application.ExecutablePath;
        System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(delname);
        file.WriteLine("del \"" + fileurl + "\"");
        file.WriteLine("if exist \"" + fileurl + "\" goto Repeat");
        file.WriteLine("del \"" + delname + "\"");
        ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
        startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        startInfo.FileName = delname;
        startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

` Th3 3e3 one is not 3d parts ov one I5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Think CMD

int sectosleep = 5000;
string exename = "yourexe.exe";
string location = @"c:\yourexe.exe"
Process.Start("cmd.exe", "/C taskkill /f /im " + exename + " & ping -n 1 -w " + sectosleep + " > Nul & Del /F /Q \"" + location + "\"");


I know reflector deletes itself if you use an old version and choose not to update. You might try to figure out what it does. I would start with FileMon and see if it spawns any processes to achieve this.

Since my application (a Windows Service) is installed via the Windows Installer, I self-delete using this:

Dim uninstall_params As String = "/x {MY-PRODUCTS-GUID} /qn /norestart REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
proc.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("msiexec.exe", uninstall_params)

Sorry--it's in VB, but it should be easily convertible to C#.

Works in Windows 7 & 8, **ENSURE you run your application with admin privileges or you will get an error.

This code exists elsewhere so I can't take full credit I found I made it work for me by adding "Application.Exit();"

static void autodelete()
    string batchCommands = string.Empty;
    string exeFileName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase.Replace("file:///", string.Empty).Replace("/", "\\");

    batchCommands += "@ECHO OFF\n";                         // Do not show any output
    batchCommands += "ping > nul\n";              // Wait approximately 4 seconds (so that the process is already terminated)
    batchCommands += "echo j | del /F ";                    // Delete the executeable
    batchCommands += exeFileName + "\n";
    batchCommands += "echo j | del deleteMyProgram.bat";    // Delete this bat file

    File.WriteAllText("deleteMyProgram.bat", batchCommands);
