How to install Valgrind on macOS Mojave(10.14) with Homebrew?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-28 03:34:11

A (rather painful) install from source workaround based on this patch, this post and this answer.

$ git clone
$ cd valgrind
$ git checkout feature/v3.14/macos-mojave-support-v2
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=/where/you/want/it/installed --enable-only64bit
$ make

If you get the following error: No rule to make target '/usr/include/mach/mach_vm.defs’, you will need to run xcode-select --install. You might need to install Xcode from the app store if you don't already have it. Once that's done, you will need to edit the coregrind/Makefile:

Search for:

am__append_19 = \
    /usr/include/mach/mach_vm.defs \
        /usr/include/mach/task.defs \
        /usr/include/mach/thread_act.defs \

After double checking the below folder exists, prefix every line with:


End result should be:

am__append_19 = \
    /Applications/ \
        /Applications/ \
        /Applications/ \

Now run make again and the includes should be found. But that doesn't necessarily mean it will compile. I got the following error:

vg_preloaded.c:136:19: error: expected ';' before 'const'
 __private_extern__ const char *__crashreporter_info__ = "Instrumented by Valgrind " VERSION;

A fix for this is to add the following line:

#define __private_extern__ extern

to the following files:

  • coregrind/m_syscall.c
  • coregrind/m_syswrap/syswrap-darwin.c
  • coregrind/vg_preloaded.c

Finally, you need to cross your fingers hoping no other errors show up:

$ make
$ make install

I am having the same issue. It seems like valgrind is not compatible with the newest macOS(10.14 Mojave). Tried installing it the High Sierra way ( and got the same output you described. The only solution I can offer you right now is either working on virtual machine ( or using Docker (

Piotr Sowa

You may use Experimental Version of Valgrind for macOS 10.14.5 Mojave at:

The command to use it is:

brew install --HEAD

It is still experimental and needs some work but for simple projects works already... Enjoy!

Not a proper solution for macOs, but for the time being, I created a docker image. After installing docker for macOS, this is how to start valgrind:

cd </path/to/source/directory/where/you/want/run/valgrind/with>
curl -O
./startValgrind # this will takes time for the first time, because it needs to fetch docker valgrind image
# you will get a root command prompt inside the docker image. 
# do what ever you want
# type 'exit' to quit

addition: I found this one worked for me on my OSX 10.14

brew install --HEAD

A branch that is working to get OSX correct. something to tide us over until we get a real valgrind version fixed.

You can follow alex.m's answer to get valgrind, but if you'r using it on a int main() { return 0; } program, you'll get many weird errors, and non-existing allocs / free.

To 'hide' theses annoying errors, you can follow theses steps (it's more a workaround than a real fix) (based on this wiki page and some research in valgrind source code):

  • First, create and compile a int main() { return 0; } program.
  • Execute the following command (to create file containing errors supression):

valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --error-limit=no --gen-supressions=all --log-file=minimalraw.log ./minimal

cat ./minimalraw.log | ./ > minimal.supp

  • Copy and Past minimal.supp content at the end of $YOUT_VALGRIND_INSTALLATION_PATH$/lib/default.supp file

And you are done! Errors your be ignored. If you also want's to remove the non-existing allocs, frees etc, you can directly edit valgrind's source code. Or juste use heapusage for leak-tracking
