I have the following line of javascript code
var res = Object.keys(packages).filter(e => packages[e] === true)
The above works well in all the other browser apart from IE. IE complains about Syntax erro at =>
can someone tell me how to get around this in IE
IE must not support arrow-functions. Just use the old function
.filter(function(e){ return packages[e] === true })
Side note, but you could also probably write this as:
.filter(function(e){ return packages[e] })
Unless packages[e]
must actually be exactly equal to true
and not just truthy.
IE doesn't support the fat arrow notation (Edge does). See http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/. You need the older function notation:
var res = Object.keys(packages).filter(function(e) { return packages[e] === true })
CanIUse: Arrow function You cannot use it in IE;
var res = Object.keys(packages).filter(function(e) = {return packages[e] === true})