JavaScript: How to group nested array

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-19 03:50:07


I am trying to display data using SectionList in React Native. I have written the code below displaying what I am trying to accomplish.

I want the data to first be grouped together by date, and inside of that date, I need them grouped by location. A regular JavaScript solution will work. It's important that it has a title and data key.

My input data is in this format:

[ { game_id: 1171,
    date: '2018-11-17',
    location: 'Plaza'
  { game_id: 1189,
    date: '2018-11-17',
    location: 'Field - Kickball'
   { game_id: 1489,
    date: '2018-11-16',
    location: 'Field - Kickball'
   { game_id: 1488,
    date: '2018-11-16',
    location: 'Field - Soccer'

I need the obtain the following output from the data array above:

data = [{
    title: "2018-11-17",
    data: [{
            title: "Field - Kickball",
            data: [{
                game_id: 1189,
                date: '2018-11-17',
                location: 'Field - Kickball'
            title: "Plaza",
            data: [{
                game_id: 1171,
                date: '2018-11-17',
                location: 'Plaza'
        title: "2018-11-16",
        data: [{
                title: "Field - Kickball",
                data: [{
                    game_id: 1489,
                    date: '2018-11-16',
                    location: 'Field - Kickball'
                title: "Field - Soccer",
                data: [{
                    game_id: 1488,
                    date: '2018-11-16',
                    location: 'Field - Soccer'

I have tried this already:

const games = [data here]
var groups = _(games)
.groupBy(x =>
        .map(value => {
            return _.groupBy(value, 'location')
            .map(({key, value}) => ({title: key, data: value}))

        .map((value, key) => {
            return ({title: value[Object.keys(value)[0]][0].date, data: value})


If you want a standard solution, then you could first reduce to an object, and return the values of that object, and then group again on the output :)

function groupBy( arr, prop ) {
  return Object.values( arr.reduce( ( aggregate, item ) => {
    const val = item[prop];
    if (!aggregate[val]) {
      aggregate[val] = {
        [prop]: val,
        data: []
    aggregate[val].data.push( item );
    return aggregate;
  }, {} ) );

const games = [ { game_id: 1171,
    date: '2018-11-17',
    location: 'Plaza'
  { game_id: 1189,
    date: '2018-11-17',
    location: 'Field - Kickball'
   { game_id: 1489,
    date: '2018-11-16',
    location: 'Field - Kickball'
   { game_id: 1488,
    date: '2018-11-16',
    location: 'Field - Soccer'

const grouped = groupBy( games, 'date' )
  .map( item => ({ ...item, data: groupBy(, 'location' ) }) );
console.log( grouped );

Note that I just use the prop that got extracted as a target property for the grouping, if you want title instead, just change the [prop]: val to 'title': val and then you can make your second grouping a litle bit easier :)


There are a few ways this can be achieved, however a simple approach that does not require third party dependencies like Underscore or Lodash, can implemented with the built-in Array#reduce() method as shown below.

Please see the documentation in the following code snippet for details on how this solution works:

const input =  [ { game_id: 1171, date: '2018-11-17', location: 'Plaza' }, { game_id: 1189, date: '2018-11-17', location: 'Field - Kickball' }, { game_id: 1489, date: '2018-11-16', location: 'Field - Kickball' }, { game_id: 1488, date: '2018-11-16', location: 'Field - Soccer' } ];

/* Reduce input data to required nested sub-array structure */
const data = input.reduce((result, item) => {

  /* Construct item to be inserted into sub array for this
  in resulting data object */
  const resultItem = {
    title: item.location,
    data: [{
      game_id: item.game_id,
      location: item.location

  /* Find existing item in result array with title that matches date */
  const resultDateList = result.find(i => i.title ===;

  if (resultDateList) {

    /* If matching sublist found, add constructed item to it's data array */;
  } else {

    /* If not matching sublist found, add a new one to the result for this item
    and pre-populate the data array with new item*/
      data: [resultItem]

  return result;

}, [])


Hope that helps!


You can do something like this with ES6 and without lodash:

let arr = [ { game_id: 1171, date: '2018-11-17', location: 'Plaza' }, { game_id: 1189, date: '2018-11-17', location: 'Field - Kickball' }, { game_id: 1489, date: '2018-11-16', location: 'Field - Kickball' }, { game_id: 1488, date: '2018-11-16', location: 'Field - Soccer' } ]

let groupByfield = (data, field) => data.reduce((r, c) => {
  let key = c[field]
  r[key] = r[key] || {title: key, data: []}
  r[key].data = [...(r[key].data || []), c]	
  return r
}, {})

let result = Object.values(groupByfield(arr, 'date'))
  .map(x => ({ 
    title: x.title, 
    data: Object.values(groupByfield(, 'location'))


The idea is to create your custom groupBy function and then use it for your groupings.

We are using Array.reduce, and Object.values


Generate a function using _.flow() that can group an array by a field, and convert it to the format of { title, data }. The function should also accept a transformer for the data. Now you can use it recursively to group multiple times.

const { identity, flow, partialRight: pr, groupBy, map } = _

const groupByKey = (key, transformer = identity) => flow(
  pr(groupBy, key),
  pr(map, (data, title) => ({
    data: transformer(data)

const data = [{"game_id":1171,"date":"2018-11-17","location":"Plaza"},{"game_id":1189,"date":"2018-11-17","location":"Field - Kickball"},{"game_id":1489,"date":"2018-11-16","location":"Field - Kickball"},{"game_id":1488,"date":"2018-11-16","location":"Field - Soccer"}]

const result = groupByKey('date', groupByKey('location'))(data)

<script src=""></script>

And the same idea with lodash/fp:

const { identity, flow, groupBy, map, get } = _

const groupByKey = (key, transformer = identity) => flow(
  map(data => ({
    title: get([0, key], data),
    data: transformer(data)

const data = [{"game_id":1171,"date":"2018-11-17","location":"Plaza"},{"game_id":1189,"date":"2018-11-17","location":"Field - Kickball"},{"game_id":1489,"date":"2018-11-16","location":"Field - Kickball"},{"game_id":1488,"date":"2018-11-16","location":"Field - Soccer"}]

const result = groupByKey('date', groupByKey('location'))(data)

<script src=''></script>

