I want to assign the name of the current directory to construct the path of a parallel directory (to run some diff commands).
However when I do this:
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name my_test_dir;
Set-Location my_test_dir;
$a = $( Get-Item . | Select-Object Name );
write-host( "x${a}x" );
I get
instead of what I expected:
So, how do I "unbox" the name of the directory?
PS - for ease of testing I use:
mkdir my_test_dir; cd my_test_dir; $a = $( Get-Item . | Select Name ); echo "x${a}x"; cd ..; rmdir my_test_dir
When you use ... |Select-Object PropertyName
, it produces an object with a property named PropertyName
, copying the value from the corresponding property on the input item.
Use Select-Object -ExpandProperty PropertyName
or ForEach-Object MemberName
to get just the value of the property:
$a = Get-Item . | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# or
$a = Get-Item . | ForEach-Object Name
... or reference the property directly:
$a = (Get-Item .).Name