how to run/turn off selective tests based on profiles in spring boot

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-02-17 05:16:12


I have a spring-boot application for which I am writing IT tests.

The data for the tests comes from when I activate dev profile

Here is what I have for tests:

public class ApplicationTests {

    Environment env;

    public void contextLoads() {




public class ServiceITTest extends ApplicationTests {

     String username;

     String address;

     MyService myService;

      public void check_for_valid_username_address(){

I want the above test to run only when I set the profile of "dev","qa". by default, it should not run.

Is it possible to get that fine control in spring boot testing?


You would want to use the @IfProfileValue annotation. Unfortunately it doesn't work directly on the active profiles but it can read a property so if you only define a specific property within the profiles that you want to run the test on then you can use that annotation on that specific property.


It works also with active profiles - there is a property value containing active profiles:

Test only active with specific profile:

@IfProfileValue(name = "", values = {"specific"})

Since i have tests that should NOT run if specific profile is active i added this to those tests:

@ActiveProfiles(profiles = {"default"})

It does not work with @IfProfileValue and "default" and i also didn't found any "run if specific profile is not active.


In Spring you can also use the @DisabledIf annotation. It allows for specifying a Spring Expression Language expression. See this blog post for examples.

JUnit 5 also has:

  • @DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable
  • @DisabledIfSystemProperty


I wanted to exclude tests that required an external service but I couldn't get that to work the way I wanted (more or less a non-existent @IfNotProfileValue).

As an alternative, I used the JUnit Assume.assumeThat which provided the behavior I wanted. e.g.,

Assume.assumeThat("Skipping Test: No username property", this.username, not(isEmptyString()));

I ended up not using a profile to drive it but you should be able to define a property or use the Environment to determine if a profile is active.

The assumeThat can be used in @Test and @Before methods but be aware that the @After methods will still run so cleanup might need a code guard.


You can get the active profiles using org.springframework.core.env.Environment: (Beware, it's Kotlin.)

private val environment: Environment? = null

private fun isProfileActive(name: String) = environment!!.activeProfiles.contains(name)

@Test fun onlyOnOpenShift {

If you have a lot of cases where you would use it (which I would suggest might hint that you're doing something wrongly), then it may pay off to decorate the test method with an annotation like @OnlyIfProfileActive("openshift") and process it with your own JUnit extension, like, implementing org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeTestExecutionCallback and determine if the method should run. In such case, the environment can be obtained from the Spring test runner.

@Test @OnlyIfProfileActive("openshift")
fun onlyOnOpenShift {

Which, I suspect, is what annotations like @IfProfileValue do. But here you would have more control.

For instance, to make it versatile, it could be an expression evaluated with JEXL or JUEL or such.

@Test @SpringProfilesCondition("openshift && !mockDatabase")
fun onlyOnOpenShift {

