Feature: Test Type
* url host
* def name = 'test_name'
* def label = name
Scenario Outline: Test 2
Given url homeLinks.groupTypesUrl
And headers { tenant: #(tenantId), Authorization: #(authToken) }
* def name = <name>
* def description = <description>
* def label = <label>
* json data = read('path/to/file/create_group_type_request.json')
And request data
When method POST
Then status 400
| name | label | description |
| '\u0000' | 'label' | 'description' |
| #(name) | '\u0000'| 'description' |
I need to refer global name defined inside examples map. How to get that reference?
Getting Javascript evalution error when I tried to like above piece of code.
Yes, Examples
do not support JS eval and variables. Use the table form and loop over it with a call
to a second feature: https://github.com/intuit/karate#calling-other-feature-files
Or you can try to use a dynamic Scenario Outline
by initializing the table
in the background: https://github.com/intuit/karate#dynamic-scenario-outline