I have 3 Tables one with every Country in the World and its token
Afghanistan AFG
Albania AL
Algeria DZ
American Samoa AMSA
Andorra AND
Angola ANG
Anguilla AXA
And and a Table of all lakes and another one of all mountains in these countries.
Bodensee A
Neusiedlersee A
Lake Prespa AL
Lake Ohrid AL
Lake Skutari AL
Lake Eyre AUS
Lake Jindabyne AUS
Lake Hume AUS
Lake Eucumbene AUS
Lake Hume AUS
Lake Burley Griffin AUS
Hochgolling A
Hochgolling A
Zugspitze A
Grossglockner A
Jezerce AL
Korab AL
Uluru AUS
Mt. Kosciuszko AUS
Mt. Bogong AUS
Musala BG
Illampu BOL
Sajama BOL
Licancabur BOL
I now have to show the countries which have a smaller amount of mountains than lakes. And I tried now for hours but can´t find an approach to this problem. I tried to Join the 3 tables together - but I can't figure out what to do next. I'm sure I have to use nested SQL Commands.
Here is my attempt on counting the lakes and mountains of each country
SELECT Country.name, count(Geo_lake.code), count(Geo_mountain.code)
From Country
INNER JOIN Geo_lake On (Country.code = geo_lake.code)
INNER JOIn Geo_mountain On (Country.code = geo_mountain.code)
Group by Country.name;
But somehow both columns count(Geo_lake.country) and count(Geo_mountain.country) appear to have the same values I don´t know exactly why.
Start off by getting the sums for each individually:
# Sum of lakes
SELECT code, count(*) AS sum FROM lakes GROUP BY code
# Sum of mountains
SELECT code, count(*) AS sum FROM mountains GROUP BY code
Then join the results together and select all rows where the sum of the mountains for a country are less than the number of lakes:
SELECT l.code AS code, l.sum AS lake_count, m.sum AS mountain_count
(SELECT code, count(*) AS sum FROM lakes GROUP BY code) AS l JOIN
(SELECT code, count(*) AS sum FROM mountains GROUP BY code) AS m
ON l.code = m.code
WHERE m.sum < l.sum