I'm trying to bend firebase app distribution to work with apk splits. I almost have it, however my issue is this
Could not find the APK. Make sure you build first by running ./gradlew assemble[Variant],
or set the apkPath parameter to point to your APK
My task
task firebaseAllEnvRelease() {
group = "publishing"
dependsOn ordered(
For whatever reason, the firebase task runs the apk check (not upload) beforehand, before assemble, so obviously the apk is not there -- how can I force it to respect the order of tasks?
I know gradle creates the tasks graph hopwever it likes, but I do have a utility ordered
for what, which chains them via mustRunAfter
and it is for sure correct.
Plan b is to run the assemble ina separate gradlew command before that, that works but -- why :/
The problem is that the gradle plugin
doesn't declare dependency on
task (in general, regardless of apk splits, by gradle convention, you shouldn't just "expect" the apks to be there)doesn't generate tasks per apk splits -- but you do for flavors
So here is the work around for it:
// Generate firebase app distribution task variants for all abis
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.all { output ->
def abi = output.getFilter(com.android.build.OutputFile.ABI)
if (abi == null) return
def abiName = abi.replace("_", "").replace("-", "")
task("appDistributionUpload${abiName.capitalize()}${variant.name.capitalize()}", type: com.google.firebase.appdistribution.gradle.UploadDistributionTask_Decorated) {
appDistributionProperties = new com.google.firebase.appdistribution.gradle.AppDistributionProperties(
new com.google.firebase.appdistribution.gradle.AppDistributionExtension(),
appDistributionProperties.apkPath = output.outputFile.absolutePath
appDistributionProperties.serviceCredentialsFile = project.file("secrets/ci-firebase-account.json")
appDistributionProperties.releaseNotes = abi
appDistributionProperties.groups = "ra-testers"
// Add dependsOn respective assemble task, so it actually
// builds apk it wants to upload, not just expect it to be there
dependsOn "assemble${variant.name.capitalize()}"