Hi I am running shell_exec
on my PHP Application,
Here is the code,
$path = "C:/scripts/";
$py_commonscript = 'python Common_Script.py';
$exec = shell_exec($py_commonscript);
echo "<pre>$exec</pre>";
This code doesn't give any result and does not generate a file. When I tried running manually on the command line it is working and was able to generate a file.
I tried to execute this one below and it was able to display some result.
$sample = shell_exec('ls -lart');
echo "<pre>$sample </pre>";
I am wondering why the command for $exec
is not being triggered or run.
The most likely cause is that your PHP code isn't inheriting a %PATH containing python.exe. Try print getenv('PATH');
or just use the full path to python.exe in your command line.