WPF Time Chart with absolute or relative time option

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-11 12:30:08


I have a time chart that shows measurements of temperature over time.

I would like to be able to display either absolute time or relative time, which is spent time from a defined starting point (so a TimeSpan).

The data points are DateTime in absolute and temperature, I would like to avoid rewriting all the time series with relative value each time the user change.

So far my goal was to create a converter for formatting the X-Axis labels with the time and handle the logic in there, passing the starting point as a parameter and whether it should be displayed as absolute or relative values.

The Converter handling care to calculate relative values.

So Far my xamls looks like:

                        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource TimeChartConverter}, 
                        ConverterParameter=<<<????>>>}" />

Which works, the issue is how to pass the starting time to the converter, it seems the parameter is not bindable, is there any tricks to achieve this?

