I have some data in Col"K" where from i am just trying to get the left characters as i tried in Col"H" using formula.
But what i used is Left function like =Function(cell,10) that is not the correct way characters can be more than 10 or less than 10.
1st formula should be dynamic to get the left numeric values. 2nd Formula should copy and paste the same numeric values until next value comes as available in Col"I"
I tried to make it but what i can do is to create left function and do not know how to develop it dynamic.
Any help will be appreciated.
Sheet Link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nJZeWDZ0EWgmWB0z17xU93fjIOFsu46EL37IJqJzZ_0/edit?usp=sharing
This formula should do the job.
[J2] =IFERROR(TRIM(LEFT(L2,FIND("-",L2)-1)),J1)
Note that it will fail if placed in row 1 and there is no dash in L1.
Use find function to get numeric characters length.
Here we are finding the separator "-" in your text and it gives us index number of separator. Then picking text from start to before index number i.e., Numeric value and removing blank spaces, if any, using trim function. If we don't have number/separator in the text then showing previous cell value using iferror function. So, Make sure first row always has numeric value.
Same has implemented in the sheet you have shared
As per the latest data I have updated my answer as below , now it is checking output is numeric or not: