I have a dir with NumPy array files: bias1.npy, kernel1.npy, bias2.npy, kernel2.npy. How can I build a TF model that uses those arrays as kernels and biases of layers?
To avoid confusion bias matrix for the consistency of the numpy file is the 2D matrix with one column. This post shows how did I reproduce tf's model based on the numpy weights and biases.
class NumpyInitializer(tf.keras.initializers.Initializer):
# custom class converting numpy arrays to tf's initializers
# used to initialize both kernel and bias
def __init__(self, array):
# convert numpy array into tensor
self.array = tf.convert_to_tensor(array.tolist())
def __call__(self, shape, dtype=None):
# return tensor
return self.array
def restore_model_from_numpy(directory):
Recreate model from the numpy files.
Numpy files in the directory are ordered by layers
and bias numpy matrix comes before numpy weight matrix.
In example:
- L1B.npy //numpy bias matrix for layer 1
- L1W.npy //numpy weights matrix for layer 1
- L2B.npy //numpy bias matrix for layer 2
- L2W.npy //numpy weights matrix for layer 2
directory - path to the directory with numpy files
tf's model recreated from numpy files
def file_iterating(directory):
Iterate over directory and create
dictionary of layers number and it's structure
layers[layer_number] = [numpy_bias_matrix, numpy_weight_matrix]
pathlist = Path(directory).rglob("*.npy") # list of numpy files
layers = {} # initialize dictionary
index = 0
for file in pathlist: # iterate over file in the directory
if index % 2 == 0:
layers[int(index/2)] = [] # next layer - new key in dictionary
layers[int(index/2)].append(np.load(file)) # add to dictionary bias or weight
index +=1
print(file) # optional to show list of files we deal with
return layers # return dictionary
layers = file_iterating(directory) # get dictionary with model structure
inputs = Input(shape = (np.shape(layers[0][1])[0])) # create first model input layer
x = inputs
for key, value in layers.items(): # iterate over all levers in the layers dictionary
bias_initializer = NumpyInitializer(layers[key][0][0]) # create bias initializer for key's layer
kernal_initializer = NumpyInitializer(layers[key][1]) # create weights initializer for key's layer
layer_size = np.shape(layers[key][0])[-1] # get the size of the layer
new_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense( # initialize new Dense layer
units = layer_size,
bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
x = new_layer(x) # stack layer at the top of the previous layer
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, x) # create tf's model based on the stacked layers
model.compile() # compile model
return model # return compiled model
In my directory, I had 4 numpy files (layer 1 - L1 and layer 2 - L2):
100_5_25_1Knapsack_Layer1\100_5_25_1Knapsack\L1B.npy , shape: (1, 80)
100_5_25_1Knapsack_Layer1\100_5_25_1Knapsack\L1W.npy , shape: (100, 80)
100_5_25_1Knapsack_Layer1\100_5_25_1Knapsack\L2B.npy , shape: (1, 100)
100_5_25_1Knapsack_Layer1\100_5_25_1Knapsack\L2W.npy , shape: (80, 100)
Calling the function result in:
m = restore_model_from_numpy(my_numpy_files_directory)
Model: "model_592"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_312 (InputLayer) [(None, 100)] 0
dense_137 (Dense) (None, 80) 8080
dense_138 (Dense) (None, 100) 8100
Total params: 16,180
Trainable params: 16,180
Non-trainable params: 0
I hope that this post will be helpful to anyone as it's my first one.
Happy coding :D