I'm setting up tests. I operate on test-data, then want to assure that the right value showed up in a cell in a tibble. I think there's a more concise way to this. Using the example band_instruments
test_that("Musicians play instruments", {
expect_equal(band_instruments %>% filter(name == "Paul") %>% pull("plays"),
expect_equal({band_instruments %>% filter(name == "Keith")}$plays,
This works, but it's too long, too wordy. What's the most concise, yet readable way to do such tests?
This looks quite neat to me:
test_that("Musicians play instruments", {
expect_equal(with(band_instruments, plays[name == "Paul"]), "bass")
expect_equal(with(band_instruments, plays[name == "Keith"]), "guitar")})
Or perhaps this:
with(band_instruments, test_that("Musicians play instruments", {
expect_equal(plays[name == "Paul"], "bass")
expect_equal(plays[name == "Keith"], "guitar")}))