I have multimedia file viewing software that I call in a batch script to load files using an /LOADFILES argument. This argument accepts multiple files separated by semicolons ";".
What I would like is a menu from which I can select the files I want to open.
For example :
- Sample_01
- Sample_02
- Sample_03
- Sample_04
- Sample_05
- All
What is your choice ?
And what we have selected ends up stored in a variable which is interpreted by the /LOADFILES argument.
For now, my script is able to open all the existing samples one after the other :
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%I in ('dir /a:d-h /b "%SystemDrive%\software\sample\*"') do (
"%SystemDrive%\software\Viewer.exe" /LOADFILES="%%I"
But I would like it to be able to read only the samples that I have selected from a menu, in separate instances of the program.
I have no specific idea of about how to achieve this.
Any help would greatly help me improve my script.
Thank you.
Here is a (very basic) script to show you the basic concept:
@echo off
set "loadfiles="
echo current loadfiles: %loadfiles:~1%
echo add sample number
echo 1 - Sample_01
echo 2 - Sample_02
echo 3 - Sample_03
echo 4 - Sample_04
echo 5 - Sample_05
echo A - All and Go
echo G - Done and Go
choice /c 12345AG /m "What is your choice? "
if %errorlevel% == 1 set "loadfiles=%loadfiles%;Sample_01.mp3
if %errorlevel% == 2 set "loadfiles=%loadfiles%;Sample_02.mp3
if %errorlevel% == 3 set "loadfiles=%loadfiles%;Sample_03.mp3
if %errorlevel% == 4 set "loadfiles=%loadfiles%;Sample_04.mp3
if %errorlevel% == 5 set "loadfiles=%loadfiles%;Sample_05.mp3
if %errorlevel% == 6 set "loadfiles=;Sample_01.mp3;Sample_02.mp3;Sample_03.mp3;Sample_04.mp3;Sample_05.mp3" & goto :continue
if %errorlevel% == 7 goto :continue
goto :AddSamples
set "loadfiles=%loadfiles:~1%"
"%SystemDrive%\software\Viewer.exe" /LOADFILES=%loadfiles%