I have an angular component showing items in a list. Each itemn can be selected and the ids of the selected items will be stored in the state. So my state object looks like this f.e.:
{ items: Item[]; selected: string[] }
Now I got an action called DeleteSelectedAction
that gets selected
as payload. This action will call some WebAPI using an effect and so on.
Now I found two ways how I could do this.
First: Select selected
from store and subscribe to it and pass the value with the action
store.select(fromItems.getSelected).subscribe(ids => {
this.selected = ids;
store.dispatch(new itemActions.DeleteSelectedAction(this.selected);
Second: Pass no value to action but fetch the selected
in effect
store.dispatch(new itemActions.DeleteSelectedAction());
// in effect
delete$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.switchMap([action, selected] => {
return this.service.delete(selected)
.map(new itemActions.DeleteSuccessAction())
.catch(err => Observable.of(new itemActions.DeleteFailAction(err));
I don't like the first way because I need to use a subscription and need to unsubscribe properly. The second way is ok but only when the action has side effects. So now I'm looking for a third way. In my head this way looks like the following:
(selected) => new itemActions.DeleteSelectedAction(selected));
How could I get something like that with rxjs operators?
Your second approach should work just fine even if the action has no side effects. using an @Effect
to transform an action without performing a side effect is a perfectly legitimate use of the library. See the section on Content Enrichers here. In that case, I'd definitely call the action something like DELETE_SELECTED
rather than just DELETE
What we are using is
store.select(fromItems.getSelected).take(1).subscribe(ids =>
store.dispatch(new itemActions.DeleteSelectedAction(ids))
Yes, instead of dispatching it inside the subscribe you could also assign it to a field, ... but this is the shortest way which I've found to work for us quite well.