White grid icon appears while installing app in iPhone

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-02-10 14:14:50


During installation, white grid icon appears and after installation app icon is shown. Is this default behaviour for adhoc apps?


This is default behavior for iOS applications.


Adding to Taylor's response. You will need to add icons to your application. To do that click on on Assets.xcassets and select AppIcon there. You will see a Image set with provided details of icon image sizes which you will need to add.

If not found (or deleted by mistake) AppIcon can be added by clicking on + button at the bottom.

Once done you will be able to see a app icons on different devices sizes. Make sure to remove alpha from 1024x1024 size icon else that will cause issue when trying publish application on appstore.

I have created an iOS program that takes 1024x1024 size icon image and create the sizes that are needed form AppIcon image set. Make sure to go through Readme to understand how to use this program.

