How should I proceed when I want to generate table from list of lists which contains only strings(ex. data from csv). Names of columns don't matter. From all examples provided I saw only binding table items to specific model(which doesn't fit there as I have unknown number and names of columns).
If you already know the column names and data type, I would suggest to hard code that. If you know nothing about the format and simply want to create a TableView with completely dynamic columns, you can use the index in the csv data as an extractor to create StringProperty
values for your data:
class MyView : View() {
val data = FXCollections.observableArrayList<List<String>>()
val csvController: CsvController by inject()
init {
runAsync {
} ui { entries ->
// Generate columns based on the first row
entries.first().forEachIndexed { colIndex, name ->
root.column(name, String::class) {
value { row ->
// Assign the extracted entries to our list, skip first row
override val root = tableview(data)
class CsvController : Controller() {
// Load data from CSV file here, we'll use som static data
// where the first row is the headers
fun loadData() = listOf(
listOf("Name", "Age"),
listOf("John", "42"),
listOf("Jane", "24")
This approach would only be good for visualizing the data in a CSV file. If you need to edit or manipulate the data, knowledge of the data types up front would yield a less flimsy application IMO :)