Read a file in clojure and ignore the first line?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-09 11:57:43


Using code from this answer, I have

(defn repeat-image [n string]
  (println (apply str (repeat n string))))

(defn tile-image-across [x filename]
  (with-open [rdr (reader filename)]
    (doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
      (repeat-image x line)))) tile an ascii image horizontally. Now, how would I be able to "ignore" the first line? The reason I'm doing this is each image has the coordinates (for example "20 63") as the first line, and I don't need the line. I tried some ways (keeping an index, pattern matching) but my approaches felt contrived.


Assuming you'd like to skip the first line of the file and process the remaining lines as you do in tile-image-across, you can simply replace (line-seq rdr) with

(next (line-seq rdr))

In fact, you should probably factor out selecting the relevant lines and the processing:

;; rename repeat-image to repeat-line

(defn read-image [rdr]
  (next (line-seq rdr)))

(defn repeat-image! [n lines]
  (doseq [line lines]
    (repeat-line n line)))

Use inside with-open:

(with-open [rdr ...]
  (repeat-image! (read-image rdr)))

If instead your file holds multiple images and you need to skip the first line of each, the best way would be to write a function to partition the seq of lines into a seq of images (how that'd be done depends on the format of your file), then map that over (line-seq rdr) and (map next ...)) over the result:

(->> (line-seq rdr)
     ;; should partition the above into a seq of seqs of lines, each
     ;; describing a single image:
     (map next))

NB. with a lazy partition-into-individual-image-descriptions this will produce a lazy seq of lazy seqs; you'll need to consume them before with-open closes the reader.

