To use Cython, I need to convert df1.merge(df2, how='left')
(using Pandas
) to plain NumPy
, while I found numpy.lib.recfunctions.join_by(key, r1, r2, jointype='leftouter')
doesn't support any duplicates along key
. Is there any way to solve it?
Here's a stab at a pure numpy
left join that can handle duplicate keys:
import numpy as np
def join_by_left(key, r1, r2, mask=True):
# figure out the dtype of the result array
descr1 = r1.dtype.descr
descr2 = [d for d in r2.dtype.descr if d[0] not in r1.dtype.names]
descrm = descr1 + descr2
# figure out the fields we'll need from each array
f1 = [d[0] for d in descr1]
f2 = [d[0] for d in descr2]
# cache the number of columns in f1
ncol1 = len(f1)
# get a dict of the rows of r2 grouped by key
rows2 = {}
for row2 in r2:
rows2.setdefault(row2[key], []).append(row2)
# figure out how many rows will be in the result
nrowm = 0
for k1 in r1[key]:
if k1 in rows2:
nrowm += len(rows2[k1])
nrowm += 1
# allocate the return array
_ret = np.recarray(nrowm, dtype=descrm)
if mask:
ret = np.ma.array(_ret, mask=True)
ret = _ret
# merge the data into the return array
i = 0
for row1 in r1:
if row1[key] in rows2:
for row2 in rows2[row1[key]]:
ret[i] = tuple(row1[f1]) + tuple(row2[f2])
i += 1
for j in range(ncol1):
ret[i][j] = row1[j]
i += 1
return ret
Basically, it uses a plain dict
to do the actual join operation. Like numpy.lib.recfunctions.join_by
, this func will also return a masked array. When there are keys missing from the right array, those values will be masked out in the return array. If you would prefer a record array instead (in which all of the missing data is set to 0), you can just pass mask=False
when calling join_by_left