I am trying to create an Excel AddIn with JavaScript API. But I don't understand where "console.log" outputs their messages. All Microsoft documentations are full with console.log examples, but it is not explained where console.log() outputs the messages. I have found a similar post on stackoverflow, but these refer to visual studio console log. I am writing my AddIn with nodeJs on Mac, so a solution for visual studio is no option for me.
I have searched the web. I have searched through all Excel options. I have also searched through the Excel Developer tab, but I can't find anything.
I am using Office 2016 (up to date) on Mac. My AddIn is coded with jQuery.
Has anyone an idea?
I have created my ExcelAddin in NodeJS. Therefore I have installed yo and office-generator npm install -g yo generator-office
. Then I have ran the command yo office
and selected jQuery as library. The sample AddIn works.
defaults write com.microsoft.Excel OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras -bool true
After entering that ^ in a terminal, when you right click your add-in, you'll have the option to Inspect Element (aka Safari Web Inspector). The console tab will show all the logged messages from console.log() statments.