I have a program that usually runs inside a conda environmet in Linux, because I use it to manage my libraries, with this instructions:
source activate my_environment
python hello_world.py
How can I run hello_world.py in a high computer that works with PBS. Instructions explains to run adapting the code script.sh, shown below, and calling with the instruction qsub.
# script.sh
#PBS -S /bin/sh
#PBS -N job_example
#PBS -l select=24
#PBS -j oe
mpiexec ./programa_mpi
How do I run hello_world.py with qsub using my anaconda environment?
You'll need to load the Python module before activating your environment and before running your script.
module load python3
source activate my_environment
mpiexec python hello_world.py
Check the documentation for your institution regarding their Python modules. At my institution, Anaconda was the environment module for Python3, so you could load it as I have shown.