
Running a binary without a top level script in SLURM

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-18 11:08:22
问题 In SGE/PBS, I can submit binary executables to the cluster just like I would locally. For example: qsub -b y -cwd echo hello would submit a job named echo, which writes the word "hello" to its output file. How can I submit a similar job to SLURM. It expects the file to have a hash-bang interpreter on the first line. On SLURM I get $ sbatch echo hello sbatch: error: This does not look like a batch script. The first sbatch: error: line must start with #! followed by the path to an interpreter.

PBS jobs stay queued ('Q' state) but run with qrun

可紊 提交于 2021-02-10 20:01:35
问题 on my full local torque installation (torque-6.1.1), all my submitted jobs are stuck in 'Q' state, and I have to force their executions using qrun. >qstat -f 141 Job Id: 141.localhost Job_Name = script.pbs Job_Owner = michael@localhost job_state = Q queue = batch server = localhost Checkpoint = u ctime = Wed Aug 23 16:45:25 2017 Error_Path = localhost:/var/spool/torque/script.pbs.e141 Hold_Types = n Join_Path = n Keep_Files = n Mail_Points = bae mtime = Wed Aug 23 16:45:25 2017 Output_Path =

Using the script variable OMP_NUM_THREADS in the program source files

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-09 08:59:50
问题 If I'm running C++ code on a cluster, is it possible to use the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS in my program? For example, suppose I have two .cpp files main.cpp and func.cpp, where func.cpp is written in parallel using OpenMP. I want to be able to define the number of threads once (in the script below) and not have to define it again in func.cpp. #!/bin/bash #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=2gb #PBS -q QName #PBS -N Name #PBS -o Results/output.txt #PBS -e

Using the script variable OMP_NUM_THREADS in the program source files

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-02-09 08:59:06
问题 If I'm running C++ code on a cluster, is it possible to use the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS in my program? For example, suppose I have two .cpp files main.cpp and func.cpp, where func.cpp is written in parallel using OpenMP. I want to be able to define the number of threads once (in the script below) and not have to define it again in func.cpp. #!/bin/bash #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=2gb #PBS -q QName #PBS -N Name #PBS -o Results/output.txt #PBS -e

Running qsub with anaconda environment

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-08 15:34:40
问题 I have a program that usually runs inside a conda environmet in Linux, because I use it to manage my libraries, with this instructions: source activate my_environment python hello_world.py How can I run hello_world.py in a high computer that works with PBS. Instructions explains to run adapting the code script.sh , shown below, and calling with the instruction qsub . # script.sh #!/bin/sh #PBS -S /bin/sh #PBS -N job_example #PBS -l select=24 #PBS -j oe cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mpiexec ./programa_mpi


你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-04 04:26:50
本文重点内容: 1、法线从物体空间转化为世界空间 2、让方向光生效 3、计算漫反射和镜面反射 4、加强节能 5、金属材质工作流 6、利用Unity的PBS算法 这是关于渲染的系列教程的第四部分。上一部分是关于组合纹理的。这次,我们将研究如何计算光照。 本教程是使用Unity 5.4.0b17。 (是时候照亮物体了) 1、法线 我们可以看到东西,因为我们的眼睛可以检测到电磁辐射。单个光量子称为光子。我们可以看到一部分电磁波谱,它们被称为可见光。其余的频谱对我们来说是看不见的。 整个电磁频谱是多少? 频谱分为频谱带。从低频到高频,这些被称为无线电波,微波,红外线,可见光,紫外线,X射线和伽马射线。 光源发光。其中一些光线会撞击物体。一些光线会从物体上反射出来。如果那束光最终射到我们的眼睛或相机镜头上,那么我们就可以看到物体了。 为了能让光照在3D环境里也能正常表现,就需要先了解这些对象的表面。前面的教程里,我们已经知道了它的位置,但不知道它反正光的方向。为此,我们需要表面法线向量。 1.1 使用Mesh 法线 复制我们的第一个着色器,并将其用作我们的第一个照明着色器。使用此着色器创建材质并将其分配给场景中的某些立方体和球体。为对象赋予不同的旋转度和比例(有些不均匀),以得到变化的场景。 (立方体和球体) Unity的立方体和球面网格包含顶点法线

Using name of BASH script as input argument

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-01-29 09:47:11
问题 I have a large number of .pbs files that I want to submit to a remote cluster. I want to be able to name the .pbs file something like "param1_123_param2_45.pbs", and then feed them into the ARGS for a Julia code. Below is an example .pbs of what I'm trying to do: 1 #!/bin/tcsh 2 #PBS -l mem=10gb,nodes=1:ppn=2,walltime=1:00:00 3 #PBS -j oe 4 #PBS -o ./log/julia.${PBS_JOBID}.out 5 #PBS -t 1-3 6 7 module load julia/1.5.1 python/3.8.1 8 9 cd path/to/file 10 11 julia Example.jl 123 45 Except 123 &

Using parameters from BASH file name as arguments for Julia script on cluster

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-01-27 11:51:49
问题 This is an extension of a previous question I asked: Using name of BASH script as input argument My goal is to write a BASH script which takes the arguments from the file's name and uses them as inputs for a Julia code I'm writing, and then submit the BASH script to a remote cluster. Using @AndriyMakukha's solution, I was able to write the following script through Torque: #!/bin/bash #PBS -l mem=10gb,nodes=1:ppn=2,walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -N ES_100_20_100 #PBS -j oe #PBS -o ./log/julia.${PBS


混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-22 15:00:47
Visual Paradigm 是包含设计共享、线框图和数据库设计新特性的企业项目设计工具。现在你只需要这样单独的一款模型软件 Visual Paradigm就可以完成用UML设计软件,用BPMN去执行业务流程分析,用ERD企业设计数据库的任务。 Visual Paradigm年终钜惠来袭,Visual Paradigm Modeler 订阅1年只需666元, 现在抢购立享优惠! 点击下载Visual Paradigm最新试用版 产品分解结构(PBS)是产品的分层分解,例如硬件项目,软件项目和信息项目(NASA,2007)。PBS的目的是将复杂的项目分解为较小的,易于管理的部分。这与工作分解结构(WBS)不同,它概述了要制造或购买的产品而不是要完成的工作。PBS应该使项目团队对每种产品,其组件以及这些组件的要求有清晰的了解(产品分解结构,nd)。PBS的最低含量应包含由特定工程师负责的产品。 如何在团队中创建PBS? 在除了最简单的项目之外的所有项目中,没有人能够识别所有产品。识别产品的最佳方法是与项目中的相关利益相关者举行会议(或某种形式的研讨会),这不仅可以帮助弄清产品,而且有助于建立对项目含义的共识。交付并共同拥有。 最好在研讨会之前尝试确定一些主要的顶级产品组,但这不是必需的。 识别产品的步骤 产品开发会议应包括以下步骤: 人们思考产品并撰写每个产品;

Does qsub pass command line arguments to my script?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-01-20 19:11:19
问题 When I submit a job using qsub script.sh is $@ setted to some value inside script.sh ? That is, are there any command line arguments passed to script.sh ? 回答1: You can pass arguments to the job script using the -F option of qsub: qsub script.sh -F "args to script" or inside script.sh: #PBS -F arguments This is documented here. 回答2: On my platform the -F is not available. As a substitute -v helped: qsub -v "var=value" script.csh And then use the variable var in your script. See also the