Consumer “received” event not firing

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-08 14:28:37


I'm trying to set up a subscription to a RabbitMQ queue and pass it a custom event handler. So I have a class called RabbitMQClient which contains the following method:

public void Subscribe(string queueName, EventHandler<BasicDeliverEventArgs> receivedHandler)
    using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
        using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
                queue: queueName,
                durable: false,
                exclusive: false,
                autoDelete: false,
                arguments: null

            var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);

            consumer.Received += receivedHandler;

                queue: queueName,
                autoAck: false,
                consumer: consumer

I'm using dependency injection, so I have a RabbitMQClient (singleton) interface for it.

In my consuming class, I have this method which I want to act as the EventHandler

public void Consumer_Received(object sender, BasicDeliverEventArgs e)
    var message = e.Body.FromByteArray<ProgressQueueMessage>();

And I'm trying to subscribe to the queue like this:

rabbitMQClient.Subscribe(Consts.RabbitMQ.ProgressQueue, Consumer_Received);

I can see that the queue starts to get messages, but the Consumer_Received method is not firing.

What am I missing here?


"Using" calls dispose on your connection and your event wont be triggered. Just remove your "using" block from the code so that it doesn't close the connection.

var connection = factory.CreateConnection();

var channel = connection.CreateModel();

    queue: queueName,
    durable: false,
    exclusive: false,
    autoDelete: false,
    arguments: null);

var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);

consumer.Received += receivedHandler;

    queue: queueName,
    autoAck: false,
    consumer: consumer);

