firstly, i'm sorry for my horrible english, i'm french (yeah you can blame me ahah :P), it's my first time on this forum, i'm coming in stackoverflow because lot of people said me "go to stackoverflow if you need help". So, i need help on Javascript, in school, teachers asking to me and others, to create "Le chiffre de César", i think it's means in english "Caesar_cipher", then:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content="ISN_Robespierre" />
<link href="chiffrer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
<h1>Le chiffre de César.</hi>
<p>Message à traiter:</p>
<textarea id="message1"></textarea>
clef:<input id="clef" type="text" value="3">
<button type="button" id="boutonChiffrer" > Chiffrer </button>
<button type="button" id="boutonDechiffrer" > Dechiffrer </button>
<p>Message traité:</p>
<div id="message2"><div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="chiffrer.js" > </script>
var clef;
var message1;
var message2;
var setupEvents = function() {
clef = document.getElementById("clef");
message1 = document.getElementById("message1");
message2 = document.getElementById("message2");
var boutonChiffrer = document.getElementById("boutonChiffre");
var boutonDechiffrer = document.getElementById("boutonDechiffre");
boutonChiffrer.addEventListener("click", chiffrer);
boutonDechiffrer.addEventListener("click", dechiffrer);
window.addEventListener("load", setupEvents);
var actualiserMessage2 = function()
var nombreClef = parseFloat(clef.value);
var onChiffre = chiffrer(nombreClef);
message2.value = onChiffre;
var decaler = function (texte, clef)
message2.innerHTML = "";
var taille = texte.lenght();
for(var i=0, i<taille, i++)
var code = texte.charCodeAt(i);
var codeDecale=decaleCode(code, clef);
var chiffrer = function()
var dechiffrer = function()
i'm totally block here, we haven't got a lesson on Javascript, they just said "work for next week"
Caesar_cipher have encryption function i think, this link explain it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher
If u have questions about var name, i'll try to give a answer.
Thank you for your help, bye and sorry for my english :/
ps: why i can't say "hello" at the first of the post ? Oo
You have to add a number to each character, but then you have to be careful that you stay within the 26 letters. I assume you won't touch any symbols. Here is the encryption code, although I can't read french so I don't really know how your interface works.
Note: the lower-case 'a' is equal to 97, 'z' -> 122, 'A' -> 65, 'Z' -> 90.
var encrypt = function(plaintext, shiftAmount) {
var ciphertext = "";
for(var i = 0; i < plaintext.length; i++) {
var plainCharacter = plaintext.charCodeAt(i);
if(plainCharacter >= 97 && plainCharacter <= 122) {
ciphertext += String.fromCharCode((plainCharacter - 97 + shiftAmount) % 26 + 97);
} else if(plainCharacter >= 65 && plainCharacter <= 90) {
ciphertext += String.fromCharCode((plainCharacter - 65 + shiftAmount) % 26 + 65);
} else {
ciphertext += String.fromCharCode(plainCharacter);
return ciphertext;
var decrypt = function(ciphertext, shiftAmount) {
var plaintext = "";
for(var i = 0; i < ciphertext.length; i++) {
var cipherCharacter = ciphertext.charCodeAt(i);
if(cipherCharacter >= 97 && cipherCharacter <= 122) {
plaintext += String.fromCharCode((cipherCharacter - 97 - shiftAmount + 26) % 26 + 97);
} else if(cipherCharacter >= 65 && cipherCharacter <= 90) {
plaintext += String.fromCharCode((cipherCharacter - 65 - shiftAmount + 26) % 26 + 65);
} else {
plaintext += String.fromCharCode(cipherCharacter);
return plaintext;