I have a problem with function drawAxis in aruco module. Z axis flip and general aren't at 90 degrees (X and Y works fine).
The problem is illustrated by the screen: flip axis
I tried changed camera, detect another markers and do many recalibration (i tried different configuration of photos, between 15 and 100)
When I printed vector of rotation (rvec) I noticed that angle 0 and 1 (x, y?) had small fluctuation, but angle 2 (z?) are in general constant: rvec print
Where could be a problem? If X and Y axis work fine, code should be correct? It's normal that rvec_2 is constant? Or maybe t's my fault with calibration?
Please for any clues! Regards!
I found a solution: my mistake was using standard calibration chessboard pattern: bad calibration board
I know that in many tutorials this calibration works fine, but in my case - no
My soultion was charuco board (source code for charuco generator): https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/blob/master/modules/aruco/samples/calibrate_camera_charuco.cpp
When I calibrate my camera using this board everything work fine
Hope this can be usefull for someone, greetings