Pycharm Run/Debug Configuration saved as default

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-08 07:25:19


Simple question but couldn't find a clear answer anywhere. Do i have to create a new run/debug configuration every time i create a new project, and assign the .py file at "script" or is there a way to make pycharm do this automatically. Would love to know! Thanks in advance :)


You need to create new run/debug configuration in every new project based on pre-defined templates.

However you can edit a template so that some of the values will be set by default.

Here is the information on how to change defaults.

You can also use temporary run/debug configurations.


You can run a .py file directly without manually creating a Run/Debug Configuration. To do so, right click on the file in the Project view and select either the Run or Debug option from the context menu.

