
Mutable Default Method Arguments In Python [duplicate]

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-20 18:46:41
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 9 years ago . Possible Duplicate: “Least Astonishment” in Python: The Mutable Default Argument I am using the Python IDE PyCharm and something that is have by default is it will showing warning when I have a mutbale type as a default value. For example, when I have this: def status(self, options=[]): PyCharm wants it to looks like: def status(self, options=None): if not options: options = [] My question is whether or not this is a standard way

Pycharm type checker - expected Series, got int

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-19 16:35:38
问题 I have very simple Python function that subtracts scalar value from pandas Series: def sub(x: pd.Series, a: int) -> pd.Series: return x - a It works as expected. I'm using type hints to enable type checker directly in my PyCharm IDE. The issue here is I get this warning message: Expected type 'Series', got 'int' instead As you can see in the image below: I understand that Python is dynamically typed language so in some cases type checking with type hints has its own limitations. But this

Pycharm returns non-asciii error on running in django server in debug mode, works fine when I run in normal mode

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-19 06:34:09
问题 I have Django server running locally from quite some time. Suddenly today I started seeing error when runnign debug mode. it works fine in norrmal mode. I tried including utf-8 in but still I see error pydev debugger: process 10424 is connecting Connected to pydev debugger (build 192.6603.34) pydev debugger: process 10425 is connecting Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/", line 2066, in <module> main() File "

How to solve azure keyvault secrets (Unauthorized) AKV10032: Invalid issuer. error in Python

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-02-19 05:55:07
问题 I am using the azure-keyvault-secrets package to manage my resources secrets in Python 3.8, developping in PyCharm. But when I am running the following: import os from azure.keyvault.secrets import SecretClient from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential VAULT_URL = os.environ["VAULT_URL"] credential = DefaultAzureCredential() client = SecretClient( vault_url=VAULT_URL, credential=credential ) client.set_secret('my-secret-name', 'my-secret-value') I get the following error:

How to enable code completion for a dictionary from method in Python?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-02-19 04:27:20
问题 I am using Python 3.6 with PyCharm and it's kind of frustrating that there's no support for code completion for special cases of dictionary objects (with fixed key schema). Say for example I create and try to access a simple dictionary object like this: inventory = {'name': 'hammer', 'price': 2.3} inventory[''] When I position my cursor inside the quotes ' ' and hit Ctrl + Space i get code completion and the IDE correctly suggests all the possible keys in the dictionary object. That's great !


你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-02-19 04:02:28
Python的IDE之Pycharm的使用 一、为什么用IDE(Python集成开发环境-Pycharm) 到现在为止,我们也是写过代码的人啦,但你有没有发现,每次写代码要新建文件、写完保存时还要选择存放地点,执行时还要切换到命令行调用python解释器,好麻烦呀,能否一气呵成,让我简单的写代码?此时开发工具IDE上场啦,一个好的IDE能帮你大大提升开发效率。 很多语言都有比较流行的开发工具,比如JAVA 的Eclipse, C#,C++的VisualStudio, Python的是啥呢? Pycharm和Jupyter,最好的两款Python开发IDE。 二、安装Pycharm(老汉推车式) 接下来安装pycharm 1、首先从网站下载pycharm:点击 打开链接 (链接为:,进入之后如下图,根据自己电脑的操作系统进行选择,对于windows系统选择图中红色圈中的区域。 2、在弹出的PyCharm安装欢迎页面中,点击“Next按钮”进入下一步 3、根据你电脑的处理器选择32位或64位,创建桌面快捷方式、关联*.py文件 4、选择开始菜单文件夹,选择Install 5、开始安装 6、安装完成,立刻运行Pycharm 7、选择是否导入开发环境配置文件

Updating Python interpreter in multiple projects at the same time

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-19 03:25:07
问题 Using PyCharm, it's possible to have multiple projects in the same window / environment. Each project has its own interpreter configuration in the Project > Python Interpreter section. Is there an easy way to switch all projects to the same interpreter at once? The "quick switcher" in the status bar only updates whatever is considered the "current project" (the project containing the current or last open files). Switching to a single project and multiple content roots is not an option as it


倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-19 01:51:53
[TOC] 一、手撸简易web框架 通过统一思想,对各个功能或者接口进行统一,越来越像是Django框架的流程,实现了低配版的Django。下面是具体的流程图 具体步骤为:wsgiref库拿到用户的请求内容,我们判断用户请求的链接地址内容,匹配到对应的后端函数,后端函数内部调用数据库得到需要的数据,再拿到html文件进行读取后,之后再把数据通过jinja2模块语法插入html文件中,最后再把修改过后的html文件return出去。wsgiref库把该html文件内容发送回浏览器,浏览器拿到内容后展示在页面上。结束。 基于第三方模块帮你撸 使用了wsgiref库和jinja2库 wsgiref库帮我们封装了http协议,并将http的请求头和请求首行变成字典。即将请求内容解包,响应的内容压包。 jinja2库专门用来处理后端数据与html页面的交互 里面的放的是函数 我们管这些函数叫视图函数 视图层 里面放的是 路由(后缀)与视图函数的对应关系 路由层 templates文件夹 里面放的全是html文件 模板层 二、动静态网页 1. 静态网页 数据是写死的 万年不变(哪怕改变了 也是人为直接修改) 2. 动态网页 数据是实时获取的 eg: 1 后端代码动态获取 当前时间 2 数据是从数据库查询出来的 三、jinja2模板语法 1. jinja2的作用


蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-18 22:30:42
所需材料 1.python3.7 2.pycharm社区版及以上 3.postgresSQL10 下载链接: 4.odoo12源码(请注意版本选择) github链接: gitee链接: python和pycharm的安装不在此讲解,有需要的请自行百度。 postgresSQL安装 pg安装 postgresSQL的安装因为是.exe文件,所以一路点击next即可。 但我们要记住安装过程中设置的密码,后面要用到,这个密码是pg10超级管理员的密码,为了好记,我设置的密码全部都是root,图形如下: 一路点击next直到完成即可。 可能出现问题 在安装过程中,最后安装可能会出现警告信息如下: failed to load SQL moudules into the databases cluster 造成这个的原因是:Postgresql 没有安装完全。 解决这个问题,可以参考: 和 https://www

what is the best way of doing a remote development using PyCharm community version

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-18 18:47:36
问题 PyCharm Professional has a nice feature of remote development -- developing codes on your local machine and running them on a remote server. Without PyCharm Professional, what would be a good way of mimicking this feature? I really like PyCharm so I won't give up for another IDE. I used to package the codes into an egg file and sftp it to a remove server but this is cumbersome, since I have to make the setup files, etc. Thanks in advance for your suggestion. 回答1: use winscp to keep your