I have this template in vm:
The variable $submitterMessage contains the special character like è,à,ò.
In my template the output of variable is: � � � �
How I can resolve it?
In that context you should apply HTML encoding/escaping. According to velocity a ready function is: http://velocity.apache.org/tools/devel/generic/EscapeTool.html#html%28%29
For a more complex context like: html attributes, nested javascript etc... you could use also ESAPI by OWASP or http://www.unbescape.org/. This will prevent also XSS vulnerabilities in your code.
Last but not least, you would probably want to work with a UTF-8 output; Set the right content type header in the http response and in the html headers in the page.
Specifying the HTML5 charset as Tom Kriek suggested can be done directly in your template, in the <head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
But then, you also have to tell Velocity that you're outputting UTF-8 characters. You just have to add the following to your velocity.properties
input.encoding = UTF8
output.encoding = UTF8
You'll only have to resort to the EscapeTool for outputting '<', '&,', '>', ...