The following code crashes when using GHC on Windows. It works perfectly on Linux.
Does this make any sense or is there a bug?
module Main where
import qualified Text.Regex as Re -- from regex-compat
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr $ cleanWord "jan"
putStr $ cleanWord "dec"
putStr $ cleanWord "jun" -- crashes here
cleanWord :: String -> String
cleanWord word_ =
let word = trace (show word_) word_ in
let re = Re.mkRegexWithOpts "(jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)" True False in
Re.subRegex re word ""
Some additional details
- I'm building with
- It crashes in both GHCi and running the compiled executable
- I tried to enable profiling but can't seem to figure out how to get that to work correctly.
Shuffling the regex around avoids the bug in this case.
This works fine for me now
let re = Re.mkRegexWithOpts "(jul|aug|sep|oct|jun|nov|dec)" True False in
I.e. moving the jun
towards the end of the regex. Not particularly satisfactory but it works and it means I can continue.
@Zeta's comment suggest that this is a bug with the underlying library
It's a bug, probably in regex-posix, due to its difference in the inclusion of the underlying BSD regex library from 1994. In sslow, an invalid memory address (-1(%rdx) with rdx = 0) will be accessed.