What I'm trying to achieve is define classes (using MQL4
) in separate files and use the methods from those classes in the main code. Essentially importing static class member functions.
class example{ // ____ in example.mq4
static void myfunction(void) export { .. do something .. }
class example{ // ____ in example.mqh
static void myfunction(void);
#include <example.mqh> // ____ in main.mq4:
#import "example.ex4"
void example::myfunction(void);
Results in a compile error when using the function as follows:
void OnInit(){
compiler error:
myfunction: function must have a body
(note example.mq4
is compiled to example.ex4
and can be imported ok)
"new"-MQL4 syntax is evolving
for the indicated purpose,
the class definition syntax shall be enough, upon instantiation of a class, its public
methods are possible to be invoked on instance-objects.
Compile-time syntax:
Exporting a function without it's class
-inheritance ( taking together the whole class
container ) does not fit the OOP concept. This is clearly visible in the OnInit()
call, where your code attempts to call a function, which is in fact a class-based object-method
at a moment, where there has not yet been instantiated any object
, on which the method
ought to be performed anObjectINSTANCE.aClassOrInstanceMETHOD()
So, just #include
class example{ // ____ in example.mqh
static void myfunction() { .. do something; }
// ---------------------------- // ____ in main.mq4
#property strict // "new"-MQL4
#include <example.mqh> // include
example anObject; // create a globally visible instance
// ----------------------------
void OnInit(){
anObject.myfunction(); // request <anObject> to perform <myfunction> method on self
return( EMPTY ); // "new"-MQL4 insists on return even on void fun()