
How to do a backtesting with tick-level data in MetaTrader Terminal?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-02-18 08:22:11
问题 Say I have an EA that executes based on tick-level ( Bid, Ask ) information, is there a way to backtest it with tick-level information in MetaTrader Terminal's Strategy Tester? There are two problems: a. it seems MetaTrader only supports 1 min charts and tick-level data are re-simulated (not accurate) b. where could I get the tick-level data? If the answer is no for MetaTrader, is there other way I could backtest it (free better, but paid solutions are alright) with tick-level information?

How to do a backtesting with tick-level data in MetaTrader Terminal?

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-18 08:22:08
问题 Say I have an EA that executes based on tick-level ( Bid, Ask ) information, is there a way to backtest it with tick-level information in MetaTrader Terminal's Strategy Tester? There are two problems: a. it seems MetaTrader only supports 1 min charts and tick-level data are re-simulated (not accurate) b. where could I get the tick-level data? If the answer is no for MetaTrader, is there other way I could backtest it (free better, but paid solutions are alright) with tick-level information?


寵の児 提交于 2021-02-17 12:46:04
目前市面上传统的mt4跟单系统,从跟单技术实现原理和底层框架角度分类,无非三类。 第一类是通过终端EA插件 第二类是通过Manager API接口 第三类是NoahWork的Mt4TradeApi跨平台通信协议技术。 其中99%的跟单都是通过EA插件的方式。但这两种技术都存在弊端,前者需要安装EA插件,需要VPS挂机,后者则需要平台开放API接口,两者都非常容易出现掉单漏单的情况。mt4跟单系统开发 为了顺应市场的需求,优化升级这两类技术的弊端,冠融科技自主研发的先进技术可以直接连接MT4服务器。无需EA插件,无需VPS挂机,无需API接口,无需打开终端,无掉掉单、漏单现象,无账号数量限制,跟单速度可达到毫秒级,理论上系统容纳账户不受限制。 鉴于此,来谈谈基于这三类跟单系统的不同。 第一类终端EA模式 EA想必大家应该不会陌生,就是MT4 PC终端交易软件可以用EA来进行数据通讯。客户使用此跟单系统需要有两个条件:一是要配置好EA,二是要一直打开MT4。基于EA的数据通讯用一个服务系统将多个终端链接起来,可以相互配置跟单账号、被跟单账号以及跟随策略。缺点是如果账户较多的话,硬件成本较高,每台高配置服务器最多容纳32个终端,实测20个账户对服务器负载就已经很大了。且账户的管理维护难度较大,稳定性随账户的增加而递减,数据延迟也相对较大。但这样的系统目前使用人群最多的就是行业代理商

What is the correct way to define MQL4 “#import of static class methods”?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-08 02:16:31
问题 What I'm trying to achieve is define classes (using MQL4 ) in separate files and use the methods from those classes in the main code. Essentially importing static class member functions. class example{ // ____ in example.mq4 public: static void myfunction(void) export { .. do something .. } } class example{ // ____ in example.mqh public: static void myfunction(void); } #include <example.mqh> // ____ in main.mq4: #import "example.ex4" void example::myfunction(void); #import Results in a

What is the correct way to define MQL4 “#import of static class methods”?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-08 02:15:59
问题 What I'm trying to achieve is define classes (using MQL4 ) in separate files and use the methods from those classes in the main code. Essentially importing static class member functions. class example{ // ____ in example.mq4 public: static void myfunction(void) export { .. do something .. } } class example{ // ____ in example.mqh public: static void myfunction(void); } #include <example.mqh> // ____ in main.mq4: #import "example.ex4" void example::myfunction(void); #import Results in a

What is the correct way to define MQL4 “#import of static class methods”?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-02-08 02:15:29
问题 What I'm trying to achieve is define classes (using MQL4 ) in separate files and use the methods from those classes in the main code. Essentially importing static class member functions. class example{ // ____ in example.mq4 public: static void myfunction(void) export { .. do something .. } } class example{ // ____ in example.mqh public: static void myfunction(void); } #include <example.mqh> // ____ in main.mq4: #import "example.ex4" void example::myfunction(void); #import Results in a

What is the correct way to define MQL4 “#import of static class methods”?

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-08 02:14:43
问题 What I'm trying to achieve is define classes (using MQL4 ) in separate files and use the methods from those classes in the main code. Essentially importing static class member functions. class example{ // ____ in example.mq4 public: static void myfunction(void) export { .. do something .. } } class example{ // ____ in example.mqh public: static void myfunction(void); } #include <example.mqh> // ____ in main.mq4: #import "example.ex4" void example::myfunction(void); #import Results in a

Compiling MQL4 via command line through wine metaeditor.exe

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-01-27 14:16:01
问题 I'm trying to get to a point where I can compile/syntax check via command line so I can avoid using metaeditor for code management. I'm using this command (also attempted with /s and /log): wine metaeditor.exe /compile:"MQL4/Experts/MACD Sample.mq4" which is from this MQL4 related question. I currently get this output and no files generated: fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x1800f935, 0x640360, {9b18bff9-915e-4cc1-9c3e-f4ac112cb36c}, 1, 0x180b1ba0, (null), (null), 0x640378): stub fixme

3分钟短文 | Laravel 给所有视图追加公共数据

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-11-24 03:29:47
引言 这又是一个深入laravel运行方式的问题,面对数百张页面,不可能所有的简单的页面 复杂的页面都继承了某些公用的layout数据。那么如何做到给所有视图都追加公共数据呢?本文就来说一说。 学习时间 比如文档中所说,可以用view对象的share方法分享全局通用数据。代码像下面这样: View::share('data', [1, 2, 3]); 如果仅是指定控制器,或者路由的页面才会追加公用数据,可以在声明控制器的基类, 并在基类内注入公用数据。 class BaseController extends Controller { public function __construct() { $user = User::all(); View::share('user', $user); // 共享数据 } } 在需要使用公用数据的控制上,使其继承 BaseController 就可以了。 如果在某个应用的整个生命周期,你需要对所有的请求都要追加公用数据,那么可以这应用加载之前, 就将数据暴露出来。 App::before(function($request) { View::share('user', User::all()); }); 或者我们直接在路由阶段进行注入: Route::filter('user-filter', function() { View:

3分钟短文:Laravel ORM 模型用法纲要

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-11-19 07:27:25
引言 前两期为了说明laravel框架提供的数据库操作能力,直接使用DB门面操作, 而没有引入更为强大的eloquent orm功能。从本期开始,我们就分次把 eloquent的一些简要知识点,为大家提炼演示一下。主要以代码为主,配以简要说明。 学习时间 Eloquent其实是一个 ActiveRecord 类型的 ORM。这是一个位于数据库操作之上的一个中间层, 不仅仅是对于整张表的操作,更能细化到每行记录的增删改查。 创建一个模型类非常简单,只用继承系统的模型就可以了: use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Contact extends Model {} 因为遵循的是 约定大于配置 的惯例,所以上述模型如不指定表名,默认就是默认数据库的 contacts 表了。 对于数据库插入新条目,则可以便捷地使用模型的方法执行,比如下面这样: public function save(Request $request) { $contact = new Contact(); $contact->first_name = $request->input('first_name'); $contact->last_name = $request->input('last_name'); $conatct->email = $request