Problem mat-form-field outline background-color on hover

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-07 18:38:18


I have a CSS problem when I pass my mouse over a mat-form-field.

To be able to use a colored mat-card, I added some CSS class in style.scss to change the background-color of the mat-form-field.

.mat-form-field-appearance-outline .mat-form-field-outline-start { background-color: white!important; }
.mat-form-field-appearance-outline .mat-form-field-outline-gap { background-color: white!important; }
.mat-form-field-appearance-outline .mat-form-field-outline-end { background-color: white!important; }
mat-form-field mat-label { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); }

It works fine, but when I hover my mouse over a mat-form-field, the background turns red for a fraction of a second. Unfortunately I can't find the CSS class allowing me to remove this transparency.

StackBlitz: here


The problem is caused by this css:

.mat-form-field-appearance-outline:not(.mat-form-field-disabled) .mat-form-field-flex:hover .mat-form-field-outline {
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity .6s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);

On hover it transitions the opacity to 0, causing the effect you show. You could fix this by overriding the transition on the hover.

For future reference you can find thid by using the dev inspector in your browser:

I invoked the hover effect on the element and inspected the styles that were added


With bit less code and I think ViewEncapsulation.None is the important:


.mat-form-field-flex:hover .mat-form-field-outline {
   opacity: 0;
   transition: none !important;


import { ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'form-field-appearance-example',
  templateUrl: 'form-field-appearance-example.html',
  styleUrls: ['form-field-appearance-example.css'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None



you can change the color of hover by this. Here you can give any color you want.
just add this css in your code.

.mat-form-field-appearance-outline .mat-form-field-outline-thick {
  color: rgba($grey, 0.75) !important;

