Java Method reference not expected here

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-07 14:26:28


How exactly do you chain method references for instances with Java 8? Example:


getStrategy of a Civilization instance returns a Strategy object instance which has the instance method getStrategyLevel.

Why doesn't the Comparator.comparing method return a comparator with it's functional interface implemented by the lambda expression?


In that case, you should use a lambda, you can't apply a method reference directly:

Collections.sort(civs, Collectors.comparing(c -> c.getStrategy().getStrategLevel()));

Though, there is a way to use a method reference here. Assuming that you have a class like

class CivilizationUtils {
    public static Integer getKeyExtractor(Civilization c) {
        return c.getStrategy().getStrategLevel();

the issue could be solved like

Collections.sort(civs, Collectors.comparing(CivilizationUtils::getKeyExtractor));


You cannot do it with a method reference, you need to use a lambda expression or create a static method.

There are four kinds of method references:

  1. Reference to a static method like ContainingClass::staticMethodName
  2. Reference to an instance method of a particular object like containingObject::instanceMethodName
  3. Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type like ContainingType::methodName
  4. Reference to a constructor like ClassName::new

More details about method reference.

So here, with a lambda expression it would be:

Collections.sort(civs, Comparator.comparing(c -> c.getStrategy.getStrategLevel()));

Or in case you create a static method

public static int getStrategLevel(Civilization c) {
    return c.getStrategy().getStrategLevel();

Then your code would be:

Collections.sort(civs, Comparator.comparing(MyClass::getStrategLevel));


Collections.sort(civs,Comparator.comparing(civ -> civ.getStrategy().getStrategLevel()));


Different example, but I have a method

void m(Predicate<String> stringPredicate)

and a utility class

class Utilities {
  static boolean condition1(String s) { ... }
  static boolean condition2(String s) { ... }

and I wanted to invoke m with a predicate that returns true iff Utilities.condition1 returns false. The Java grammar allows me to write


but not


(an unfortunate violation of referential transparency), and the compiler complained, "Java Method reference not expected here."

My workaround was to write a method

Predicate<String> not(Predicate<String> p) {
  return p;

and then to write the call


--which is allowed by the Java grammar.

