ValueError: could not convert string to float: '.'

a 夏天 提交于 2021-02-07 10:40:23


I have a list of strings (CD_cent) like this:

2.374 2.559 1.204

and I want to multiply these numbers with a float number. For this I try to convert the list of strings to a list of floats for example with:

CD_cent2=[float(x) for x in CD_cent]

But I always get the error: ValueError: could not convert string to float: '.'. I guess this means, that it can't convert the dot to a float (?!) But how could I fix this? Why doesn't it recognize the dot?


You need to split each string as the string has multiple values:

your_str = "2.374 2.559 1.204"

floats = [float(x) for x in your_str.split(' ')]

Having a list you can do something like this:

li = [...]
floats = []

for s in li:
    floats.extend([float(x) for x in s.split(' ')])

In your exact situation you have a single string CD_cent = 2.374 2.559 1.204, so you can just:

floats = [float(x) for x in CD_cent.split(' ')]


When I ran your line with the provided data everything worked fine and all the strings converted to floats without error. The error indicates that somewhere in your CD_cent there is a single DOT . that really can't be converted to float.

To try to solve this do:

CD_cent2=[float(x) for x in CD_cent if x != '.']

And if that doesn't work because of other strings you will have to try...except like this:

CD_cent2 = []
for x in CD_cent:
    except ValueError:

All of that is because I assume CD_cent is not just a long string like '2.374 2.559 1.204' but it is a list like [2.374,2.559,1.204]. If that is not the case than you should split the line like this

CD_cent2=[float(x) for x in CD_cent.split()]

