How should I style Django validation errors with Bootstrap?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-07 06:27:05


When a form in Django has validation errors, the errors are given in a list with class errorlist.

Elements can be given an error style with Bootstrap by setting class="alert alert-error".

What is the best way to combine these, and use Bootstrap's error style for validation errors on Django forms?


In Twitter Bootstrap, input elements are enclosed between "control-group" div or fieldset. So I would do something like this in template

{%for field in form %}
<div class="control-group {%if field.errors %}error{%endif%}">
{# render your field #}
{% endfor %}

Note: In bootstrap, class="alert alert-error" seems to be for alert messages and not for field specific errors.


In Bootstrap 3, input elements are enclosed between "form-group" divs and the error class has changed to has-error.

{%for field in form %}
  <div class="form-group {%if field.errors %}has-error{%endif%}">
    {# render your field #}
{% endfor %}


It's already been styled! :)


These libraries act as a wrapper around your form and adds the relevant class names that is used in Django Bootstrap such that you have a base style (bootstrap default) out of the box


Bootstrap 4 Django Solution

If <form class="was-validated>" returns validation in your response, this will work for you:

This example works for the admin/change_form.html, but it is easy to convert it to your form by changing adminform.form

This will not work for Multi widgets like DateSelectorWidget

delete class="was-validated"

{% if adminform.form.errors %} {# Delete this if you always want active validations #}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    {% for field in adminform.form %}
      var field_input = document.getElementById("{{ field.auto_id }}");
      if (field_input) {
        field_input.classList.add("is-{% if field.errors %}in{% endif %}valid");
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

This works for Multi widgets like DateSelectorWidget but could introduce problems if one field is called start and the other start_time Improvements appreciated

{% if adminform.form.errors %} {# Delete this if you always want to see a validation #}
<script type="text/javascript">
  {% for field in adminform.form %}
    var field_input = document.getElementById("{{ field.auto_id }}");
    if (field_input) {
      field_input.classList.add("is-{% if field.errors %}in{% endif %}valid");
    } else {
      multi_widget_fields = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="{{ field.auto_id }}_"]')
      multi_widget_fields.forEach(function (element) {
        element.classList.add("is-{% if field.errors %}in{% endif %}valid");
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

